New Comic: Kurt Huggins and Zelda Devon’s “King of an Endless Sky, Part 1”

King of an Endless Sky, Part 1


Kurt Huggins and Zelda Devon, creators of the dark and chilling The Dreaded Question, have returned (albeit with lighter fare). Here begins the delightful tale of a boy, a robot, and a wrench. King of an Endless Sky is part Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, part Windsor McCay, and part, um… gerbils.

This is part one of an ongoing serial that will be running on each Thursday, so stay tuned for future installments!

Last weekend at Worldcon Neil Gaiman read Cory Doctorow’s story “The Right Book” to a packed auditorium. We posted the audio of the post-reading Q&A here, but now we have the video of Gaiman reading the story.

Also from Worldcon: video excerpts of the History of Tor panel!

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