Safety Geeks: SVI Season One

Safety Geeks: SVI starring Dave, Tom, Brittney Powell, Benton Jennings & Mary Cseh, chronicles a CSI-like team which investigates safety accidents, leaving a swath of comedic chaos and destruction in their wake.

From comedy duo Dave & Tom, Safety Geeks: SVI is a unique web series that draws from many pop-culture icons to lampoon the ever-popular crime dramas that over-run prime time television. With elements borrowed from CSI, Adult Swim, Monty Python and Kung Fu (among many other TV staples), Safety Geeks: SVI is adult humor with wit. These well-meaning folks are almost painful to watch as they humiliate themselves, fumbling through accident scenes causing more damage and hazards than they ever resolve.

The series is filmed entirely on green screen and features high-quality special effects and great music, especially the theme song which pays homage to The Who’s “Who Are You?” (otherwise known as the CSI theme song). Well acted and cleverly written, there are enough crass one-liners and sight gags here to keep the younger crowd laughing yet enough subtle humor and sarcasm to keep the more mature viewers entertained. You can view season one of Safety Geeks: SVI right here or check out these other great Dave and Tom links:

Safety Geeks: SVI on KoldCast.TV
Dave and Tom’s Website
Safety Geeks: SVI on Twitter
Safety Geeks: SVI on Facebook

2 thoughts on “Safety Geeks: SVI Season One”

  1. Raven for all your supportive work, reviews, video blogs and kindness during this whole process of season one we wanted to extend our admiration for all you do out of a love of the genres and the artists. You are truly a patron of the arts and part of the artistic process completely.

    We are grateful to you, the work you put in your websight out of your passion for these shows and those of us who work so hard to make these projects do it precisely for wonderful humans like you.

    We couldn’t do it without you.

    Thank you.

  2. Tom – *teary eyed* I’m really touched and honored that you think so highly of me. I take great pleasure in being able to help out in any way I can, to promote the culture and raise awareness of all the gems out there, like your shows, that don’t always get the attention of mainstream media.

    Thank YOU for being so creative, fun and approachable. I look forward to your future projects and will continue to support you in whatever way I can.

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