Weta News: April 2009

from Weta:

Hey Weta fans,
Whether you celebrate Easter or not, perhaps in some little way you can celebrate spring. Unless you’re on our side of the planet, of course. We’re headed for Winter. Beanie, anyone?

Dr. Grordbort’s Easter Hunting Pack:
To celebrate the Easter Bunny Hunting Season, Dr. Grordbort’s have allowed us to bundle a few of their products AND slash the price. Used to be US$90, NOW $74! Save $26!
A Miniature F.M.O.M. Wave Disrupter gun
A Dr. Grordbort’s T-shirt with a pipes motif
A thick, useful notebook for species notes
Check it out!

In the News:
Richard Taylor wins World Class New Zealand Award
Dr. Grordbort’s Rayguns featured in Shooting Illustrated Magazine
The WotWots launch a huge success
How to hook up with other Weta fans
Winners of our Profile prize draw
Listen to Episode VII of the Weta Cast!

Hot Tip!
You can follow Weta on Twitter! Or MySpace. And we have loads of videos on YouTube! Check out Weta’s social network!

Collectors — look here!
Anthony Gibb, one of our good friends in the Weta collectors’ community publishes! Check out Anthony’s Site!

See You Online!

My Profile Story

Jenny’s profile is the place to be. It’s full of hot chicks, cool dudes, psycho BFFs, and crazy biatches.

Interact with Jenny and her friends at MyProfileStory.com!

Created and Directed by Benny and Rafi Fine
Written and Produced by Benny and Rafi Fine
Line Producer: Leah Mann
Music: Joseph Carillo
Cast: Jonathan Allen, Christine Bullen, Shane Dawson, Kristin Findley, Rafi Fine, Kara Luiz, Brandon Ruckdashel, Lisa Schwartz, Kelly Marie Tousignant

Rating: “General Audiences”
Honors: Atom Pro Video (April 6, 2009)

Channels: Atom Originals

Vulcan Fan Fiction Exhibition

from Vulcan Tourism & Trek Station:

Greetings from Vulcan!

The 2nd Annual Star Trek Intergalactic Fan Fiction exhibition (best known as the S.T.I.F.F.e.) will be held in Vulcan during our annual Spock Days/Galaxyfest weekend on Saturday June 13th. If you are interested in displaying your fan fiction items please fill out the attached registration form and return it to me.

We look forward to seeing you all in Vulcan soon! For more information feel free to visit our website at vulcantourism.com.

Peace and long life,

Erin Melcher
Vulcan Tourism & Trek Station
115 Centre St. E, Box 1161
Vulcan, AB, Canada, T0L 2B0
T: 403-485-2994 F: 403-485-2878
E: erin@vulcantourism.com W: http://vulcantourism.com/

VulCON16: Spock Days/Galaxyfest 2009 registrations are available now! Visit vulcantourism.com for more information.

Live Long and Prosper…

Have Your Voice Be Heard in the StarWars.com Survey

from StarWars.com:

StarWars.com wants to know what you think. Currently running at the Official Star Wars website is a user survey where you can voice your opinion on The Clone Wars, the website design, and the future of Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club, and more!

In addition to your thoughts on Star Wars, we want to know some more information about you, so the site can better serve the needs and interests of its many diverse users. Do you think there should be more kids content? More fiction? More tabletop gaming news? More Flash-based games? Let us know your priorities!

For almost 13 years, the Official Star Wars website has been growing and adapting to the rapidly changing world of the Internet, and we greatly value the opinion of our users. Please head on over and fill out the survey today. You can find it here:


Blueberry Girl

Blueberry Girl

Every little girl should be issued a copy of Blueberry Girl on the day that she’s born. A lyrical poem that’s an enchanted wish for a life full of blessings, “what every new parent or parent-to-be dreams of for her child, what every girl dreams of for herself”, Neil Gaiman’s latest children’s picture book echoes the hopefulness of Sleeping Beauty and the gifts granted by the fairy godmothers who attended the newborn princess’ christening. (Unlike that classic fairy tale, though, no wicked fairy intrudes on Blueberry Girl with a curse.)

The book’s elegant watercolour illustrations are by master fantasy artist Charles Vess, whose traditional style of fairy tale art casts as much of a spell as the words they illuminate. Each spread is ripe with images of blueberries, idealized scenes of nature, and magical symbols, with the “blueberry girl” morphing in age and appearance from page to page, allowing girls of all types to identify with her. Smaller children will likely get more out of the pictures than the words, which employ more adult-level language and concepts, but will still thoroughly enjoy the large, flowing blue font and lullaby-like cadence of the poetry as it’s read aloud.

In “A Note From Neil”, Gaiman best describes the delightful Blueberry Girl, and how it was written for his goddaughter-to-be, Tash, as a favor for her mother, musician Tori Amos, a longtime friend of Gaiman’s who nicknamed her expected baby “the blueberry”:


You’re probably wondering what kind of book this is.

This is the kind of book that comes about when a friend phones you and says, “I’ll be having a baby in a month. Would you write her a poem? A sort of prayer, maybe? We call her the Blueberry…” And you think, Yes, actually. I would.

I wrote the poem. When the baby was born, they stopped calling her the Blueberry and started calling her Natashya, but they pinned up the handwritten Blueberry girl poem beside her bed.

I kept a copy at my house, taped to a filing cabinet. And when friends read it, they said things like “Please, can I have a copy for my friend who is going to be giving birth to a daughter?” and I wound up copying it out for people, over and over.

I wasn’t going to let it be published, not ever. It was private, and written for one person, even if I did seem to be spending more and more of my time handwriting or printing out nice copies for mothers-to-be and for babies.

Then artist Charles Vess (whom I had collaborated with on Stardust) read it.

And somehow, it all became simple. I made a few phone calls. We decided to make some donations to some charities. And Charles began to draw, and then to paint, taking the poem as a starting point and then making something universal and beautiful.

On his blog he said, “Taking Neil’s lovely poetic meditation on the inherent joys of a mother-daughter relationship and developing a compelling narrative impulse without robbing the poem of its highly symbolic nature was an interesting conceptual journey.” Which I think is Charles for “It wasn’t easy to make that poem into a picture book.” He did an astonishing job, but I still worried. I stopped worrying the day the assistant editor at HarperChildrens, who was herself pregnant, called me to let me know that she’d got the artwork in, and read it, and then started crying in the office.

It’s a book for mothers and for mothers-to-be. It’s a book for anyone who has, or is, a daughter. It’s a prayer and a poem, and now it’s a beautiful book.

I hope you enjoy it. I’m really proud of it. And I hope this means I don’t have to copy it out any longer…


Part of the proceeds from the book will be donated to RAINN, Gaiman noted in his blog, “because I originally wrote Blueberry Girl for Tori and her as-yet-unborn-daughter, and that seemed like the right thing to do.” RAINN is an anti-sexual assault organization that Tori Amos is a founding member of and has been one of the main spokeswomen for, so your purchase will not only make the future brighter for little girls, it will help heal those that weren’t as lucky as the carefree everygirl represented in Blueberry Girl.

Publishers Weekly enthuses, “Fans of Gaiman and Vess will pounce on this creation; so too will readers who seek for their daughters affirmation that sidesteps traditional spiritual conventions.” Blueberry Girl is truly a must-have book for girls at any stage of life, and a sweet treat for readers.

Recommended Reading Level: All Ages.

Order now at Amazon.com:
Blueberry Girl (Canada)
Blueberry Girl (US)

Online bonus:
Blueberry Girl — Listen to Gaiman read the entire picture book online, in the book’s animated trailer. The audio is from one of the readings the author did during his Graveyard Book reading tour.

Blueberry Girl is distributed by HarperCollins Children’s Books, a division of HarperCollinsCanada and HarperCollins Publishers. For more information on the book and its author, visit the Neil Gaiman website and its related website for young readers, Mouse Circus. Neil Gaiman may also be followed on Twitter.

The Guild Wins at the Streamy Awards

from The Guild:

We are extremely excited to announce that we had such an awards-filled night (and possibly mojitos). The Guild won three wonderful awards. You can view all the winners here.

Best Comedy Web Series
Best Ensemble Cast in a Web Series
Best Female Actor in a Comedy Web Series — Felicia Day

We could not have done this without your support. We would like to again thank our Season 1 donors, for showing faith in our project enough to donate and keep us going, also to our very dedicated crew and volunteers. Without them, Felicia would be stuck doing EVERYTHING, not that she couldn’t, also a special thank you goes out to Kim Evey because she is as much a part of these wins for all the work she’s put in (and was very much missed at the awards). Thank you Streamys for putting on a show and making it a great night, thank you to the academy for voting for us, and everyone nominated in the categories, thank you for making these wins mean something for you are all held in high esteem. Lastly, we would like to thank all our viewers for showing us time and time again that our entertainment is being enjoyed by one and all throughout the world.

As the week rolls by, you will see more videos and pictures from the awards. Here are a few videos and pictures we’ve gathered.

The Official Streamy Awards Pictures
worldofhiglet at Flickr
wmmarc at Flickr

How to Make a Streamy Nominated Web Series
Streamy Awards 09 — Felicia Day
Best Female Actor in a Comedy Web Series on 12seconds.tv
Best Comedy Web Series on 12seconds.tv
Best Ensemble Cast on 12seconds.tv
This Girl Does It All — The Fabulous Felicia Day from Mary Rambin on Vimeo.

How to Make a Streamy Nominated Web Series

The Fine Brothers

We wrote & directed this video which played live at the first annual Streamy Awards on March 28, 2009 at the Wadsworth theater.

Created by Benny & Rafi Fine

The Streamy Awards is co-hosted by a consortium of leading new media companies — Tilzy.TV, Tubefilter.tv, and NewTeeVee.com — to recognize outstanding achievement for shows produced originally for broadband distribution.

Big thanks to all the wonderful talent who are in the video, subscribe to them all!

They are, in the order they appear: Michael Buckley, Taryn Southern, Sandeep Parikh & Tony Janning, Kim Evey, Amber Lee Ettinger AKA Obama Girl, Ask a Ninja, Jessica Rose, Felicia Day, and the one and only Dennis Haskins.

Special thanks to Will Hyler for making the “This is Sparta” effect.

Go to Streamys.org for more information, and see you next year!

Winners of the 2009 Streamy Awards

from The Streamy Awards:

We proudly present the official winners of the 1st Annual Streamy Awards, honoring the best in web television in 2008, announced live at the Wadsworth Theatre on March 28, 2009. Over 125 shows and individuals were nominated in twenty-five award categories. On behalf of the International Academy of Web Television, congratulations to all of the winners!

Overall Series

Best Comedy Web Series
The Guild

Best Dramatic Web Series
Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy

Best Hosted Web Series

Best Reality or Documentary Web Series
The Shatner Project

Best News or Politics Web Series
Alive in Baghdad

Audience Choice Award for Best Web Series
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog


Best Directing for a Comedy Web Series
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (Joss Whedon)

Best Directing for a Dramatic Web Series
Pink (Blake Calhoun)


Best Writing for a Comedy Web Series
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon, Joss Whedon, Zack Whedon)

Best Writing for a Dramatic Web Series
Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy (Jane Espenson, Seamus Kevin Fahey, Ronald D. Moore)


Best Male Actor in a Comedy Web Series
Neil Patrick Harris (Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog)

Best Female Actor in a Comedy Web Series
Felicia Day (The Guild)

Best Male Actor in a Dramatic Web Series
Alessandro Juliani (Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy)

Best Female Actor in a Dramatic Web Series
Rosario Dawson (Gemini Division)

Best Ensemble Cast in a Web Series
The Guild

Best Guest Star in a Web Series
Paul Rudd (Wainy Days)

Best Web Series Host
Alex Albrecht (Project Lore)

Craft Awards

Best Editing
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (Lisa Lassek)

Best Cinematography
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (Ryan Green)

Best Art Direction
Tiki Bar TV (Kim Bailey)

Best Visual Effects
Backyard FX (Erik Beck)

Best Animation in a Web Series
The Meth Minute (Dan Meth)

Best Original Music
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (Jed Whedon)

Best Ad Integration in a Web Series
Back on Topps (Skype)

Best Artistic Concept in a Web Series
You Suck at Photoshop

Streaming Live on the Streamys

from The Legend of Neil:

A special thank you to all our fans who voted for us for the Audience Choice awards. The voting is now closed. You can see the results of the award and the others we’re nominated for live streaming on the interweb at 7:30pm PST at the official streamy website. Don’t miss it!

The Legend of Neil and The Guild are nominated up and down this thing and we want to share our victories and defeats with you, our fans who’ve made these honors possible. I mean, I (as in Sandeep) am nominated along side Rob Corddry, Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Joss Whedon. WTF indeed. I don’t know what kind of alternate reality I’ve dropped into, but I know it’s due to all of YOU that have supported web television like Neil and The Guild. So thank you thank you thank you! Also I’m presenting an award with Felicia Day and there’s a good chance I’ll be so nervous that I’ll vomit on her lovely dress, and then I’ll play it off as improv vomit, so you won’t want to miss that…

ETA at 11:33: Whoops, I was mis-informed (by my competition no less!) apparently you can still vote one last time for the Audience Choice awards. Get out there and hit it Neil fans! http://vote.streamys.org/

Streamy Awards Live Cast Tonight

from The Guild:

Thank you for all your votes in the Streamy Awards, we appreciate all the time you’ve taken out to support our independent show! Audience Award voting is now over!

The Awards ceremony is tonight, and the great thing is that you can attend it with us online! They are streaming starting at 7:30 pacific time on the official Streamys Website, so please come by and enjoy this evening with us to celebrate web video.
If we win anything it will only have been because of you, our audience. 🙂

After Judgment: Three Days until the Streamy Awards

from After Judgment:

Greetings fantastic fans of After Judgment,

It is because of all of you that the world has taken notice of our little (but awesome!) sci fi webseries!

We want to sincerely thank all of you for spreading the word and for your support!

Please take a second to VOTE for us today, tomorrow and Saturday as a Finalist for the Audience Choice Award.


And please take a minute to spread the news to your Facebook friends — just share the link or even send a message!

VOTE VOTE VOTE! We’re up against heavyweights like Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, The Guild, The William Shatner Project and Tikibar TV!!

We’d like to say that we’re just honored to be recognized amongst such an illustrious group but we’d really like to win — wouldn’t you???

Spread the word and VOTE… to prevent the end

After Judgment