VIZ Media Debuts Two Latest “Naruto” Volumes Ahead of Print Counterparts on and the VIZ Manga App

from VIZ Media:

VIZ Media continues to lead the digital manga (graphic novel) revolution with a variety of new titles just announced for November that are available to read online on and also for digital download on the VIZ Manga App for the Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

Among the notable new releases will be the two latest editions of Naruto – Volumes 54 and 55 – which will be made available on VIZ Media’s digital platforms several months in advance of their print counterparts. This is part of the Shonen Jump Digital Warp, a speed-up of selection titles to bring North American readers up-to-date with Japanese releases to prepare fans for the debut of the digital Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha in January 2012.

Naruto Vol. 54 . Rated ‘T’ for Teens . Available Today!

Viaduct to Peace: Naruto and his team engage in an intense battle with the Akatsuki organization as both sides seek the power to determine the future of their land. Internecine fighting weakens the Akatsuki, but will their dark forces sideline Naruto?! Print edition debuts on January 3rd, 2012.

Naruto Vol. 55 . Rated ‘T’ for Teens . Available November 21st

The Great War Begins: Evil masterminds Kabuto and Madara instigate a skirmish with Naruto and friends on Turtle Island. The Allied Shinobi Forces prepare to attack, but are they ready for Kabuto’s horde of reanimated dead ninja?! Print edition debuts on March 6th, 2012.

November also sees the debut of two titles from the critically acclaimed Natsume Ono. Ristorante Paradiso weaves a story around the lives of the staff of a restaurant in Rome, and in the follow-up manga, Gente, continues to follow the character’s romances, heartaches, hopes and dreams.

Ristorante Paradiso . Rated ‘T+’ for Older Teens . Available Now!

At the age of 21, Nicoletta travels to Rome to find her mother, Olga, who abandoned her long ago. Nicoletta finds her at Casetta dell’Orso, a charming little restaurant owned by Olga’s husband. The staff of bespectacled gentlemen welcomes Nicoletta warmly, but Olga’s reception is not so pleasant. Olga has never told her husband that she ever had children — and he must never know.

Gente Vol. 1 . Rated ‘T+’ for Older Teens . Available November 14th

Buona sera! Welcome to Casetta dell’Orso, a quaint little restaurant in the heart of Rome. The food’s delicious, but the handsome staff of bespectacled gentlemen is the real draw. Follow these dashing men home and witness their romances, heartaches, hopes and dreams in this delightfully whimsical continuation of Natsume Ono’s beloved Ristorante Paradiso.

Additions to 17 popular VIZ Media series are scheduled for November, with over 30 new manga volumes scheduled to make their digital debut. Updates include the rock-and-roll romantic drama of Ai Ore and the courtly royal intrigue of The Story of Saiunkoku, as well as the supernatural adventure of Bleach, the ongoing high seas pirate fun of One Piece, and the kinetic sci-fi action depicted in new weekly chapters of Neon Genesis Evangelion.

New VIZ Media manga volumes launching include:

November 7th:

Bleach Vol. 32
Dengeki Daisy Vol. 6
Naruto Vol. 54
Neon Genesis Evangelion Chapter 14
Oishinbo Vol. 4
One Piece Vols. 54 & Vol. 55
Ouran High School Host Club Vol. 12
Ristorante Paradiso Vol. 1

November 14th:

Ai Ore Vol. 3
Black Bird Vol. 11
Bleach Vol. 33
Claymore Vol. 19
D.Gray-man Vol. 21
Fushigi Yûgi Genbu Kaiden Vol. 8
Gente Vol. 1
Kekkaishi Vol. 17
Neon Genesis Evangelion Chapter 15
One Piece Vol. 56
Rurouni Kenshin Vol. 26

November 21st:

Bleach Vol. 34
Gente Vol. 2
Naruto Vol. 55
One Piece Vol. 57
Natsume’s Book of Friends Vol. 9
Neon Genesis Evangelion Chapter 16
Saturn Apartments Vol. 4
The Story of Saiunkoku Vol. 5

November 28th:

Bleach Vol. 35
Gente Vol. 3 – Final Volume!
InuYasha VIZ Big Vol. 6 – Exclusive to the VIZ Manga App for iPad!
Kekkaishi Vol. 18
Neon Genesis Evangelion Chapter 17
One Piece Vol. 58
Rurouni Kenshin Vol. 27

VIZ Media’s digital manga platform allows for universal access for fans for reading manga from their iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and now, for desktop/laptop computers and Android-powered devices with built-in web browsers. With one account, registered users are able to view their purchases across even more devices than ever.

The free VIZ Manga App continues to be the top app for reading manga on iOS devices and features a rapidly growing library of the most popular manga series in the world, currently offering over 45 series and nearly 500 volumes, with new additions and free Chapter 1 previews added weekly.

For more information, please visit or

“Dragon Age: Redemption” and Epic Weapons

from The Guild:

Hey Guildies, hope you have been enjoying the Dragon Age: Redemption web series, which this week released the fourth of six episodes, “Nyree.”

Next Tuesday, with the release of episode five, Epic Weapons has teamed up with us to reward some of our loyal fans with some incredible prizes from their line of Dragon Age officially licensed replicas. On Tuesday we’ll announce the details on how you can participate in the giveaway, so check back here on The Guild website or on Felicia’s homepage, or Felicia’s or The Guild’s Twitter feeds. We have over 50 items to giveaway!

Epic Weapons has provided Dragon Age pendants, cool sword replica letter openers and coasters in Dragon Age designs.

The grand prize will be this amazing Dragon Age II Lifesize Staffsword, which is 6 feet long!

Thank you to Epic Weapons for sponsoring this giveaway and providing some incredible loot. Be sure to visit their website and their Facebook page for more great licensed weapons from Dragon Age and more!

Nintendo Holiday Gift Guide 2011

from Nintendo of Canada:

Now, Kirby! Now, Mario! Now, Pikachu, and Link! On, Layton! On, Luigi! On, Fox McCloud and Peach!

Santa Clause is coming to town and he’s bringing Nintendo gear with him. Celebrate this holiday season with your favourite video game characters including Mario, Kirby and Link. They’re all back in some of this year’s most anticipated releases, including The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Kirby’s Return to Dream Land, Star Fox 64 3D and Professor Layton and the Last Specter. Whether you’re looking for an action-packed good time or a brain teasing twister, Nintendo has something for everyone on your holiday gift list.

The new Nintendo 3DS portable entertainment system, now available for just $169.99, is also a must-have. Enabling the ability to play games, watch videos, take photos and more in 3D without the need for special glasses, the Nintendo 3DS is an immersive experience that has to be seen to be believed.

The Republic Assault on the Shadowy Planet of Umbara Continues!


The Republic assault on the shadowy planet of Umbara continues in “The General,” a new episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, airing at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT Friday, November 4th on Cartoon Network.

The fierce General Krell orders Captain Rex and the clone troopers of the 501st to conquer a heavily fortified Umbaran airbase. It is absolutely essential the clones succeed, for the rest of the planetary invasion depends on it. Krell will accept nothing less than victory, but the mission seems impossible – the clones must march overland through hostile territory and monstrously advanced enemy technology. Unless the clones can use their ingenuity to counter these threats, it will be a certain suicide mission.

This second installment in the epic four-part Umbara story arc raises the stakes and is filled with big screen cinematic action – and with good reason. Helming the episode as director is Walter Murch. A renowned film editor and sound designer, Murch won an Academy Award for his sound editing work on Apocalypse Now, and an unprecedented double-Oscar win for both sound and picture editing for The English Patient. A longtime friend and creative collaborator with George Lucas, Murch worked with Lucas on the films THX 1138 and American Graffiti. He quite literally wrote the book on film editing, the influential In the Blink of an Eye.

ThinkGeek Bites Into Zombie Bon Bons

from ThinkGeek:

Greetings, walking dead!

How’s your sugar coma coming along? We hope you’ve recovered from Halloween candy and cosplay because it’s time to churn through 50,000 words.

Yes, it’s time to salute the NaNoWriMo writing geeks burning both ends of the candle in November! You can always tell who’s a Wrimoer at ThinkGeek HQ by how they trail off mid-sentence like they’re about to pass out from exhaustion — but they run off to their computers to bang out another inspired, caffeine-induced chapter. Happy wordsmithing!

Chocolate Zombie Head Bon Bons
An undead delight for survivors only! Chocolate Zombie Head Bon Bons arrive in a stylish candy box, suitable for gifting to your favorite guy or ghoul. Each box contains six bon bons in rich dark chocolate. Bite into one and taste the sweet cherry cordial-style brains, but be careful! Eating brains is addicting and you may find yourself at the business end of a shotgun. Munch responsibly.

$1,000 ThinkGeek Shopping Spree – Have a backup plan
That most magical time of year is upon us again! You’ve made a list, doubled its value twice, and you’re pretty sure you’ve been more naughty than nice. Can you really trust friends and family to come through on that lightsaber or laser keyboard you’ve got on your wishlist? Or you could be a dear and share the spoils. Either way, increase your odds of holiday awesomefication by entering our $1,000 Shopping Spree!

Take $10 Off – Step away from the candy
Early November is all about eating Halloween candy. Your kid’s candy, leftover candy, 50% off candy. Om nom nom! Either way, your “nutrition” for the next week is all set, right? Perhaps you should busy your fingers with a new toy or gadget from ThinkGeek instead. Use the code C6H12O6 for $5 off $25+ orders or $10 off $50+ orders, good through 11:59pm ET 11/4/11. And no, the subscript isn’t necessary to get the savings.

Find more What’s New items at ThinkGeek!

VIZ Media to Release “Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva” Animated Feature Film

from VIZ Media:

VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), the largest distributor and licensor of anime and manga in North America, will release a new anime feature-length film, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva, on DVD November 8th. The movie is based on the highly popular Professor Layton series of video games for the Nintendo DS and will be suitable for All Ages. The DVD features both subtitled and dubbed English dialogue options, and will carry an MSRP of $19.97 U.S. / $19.98 CAN.

Professor Layton, a true English gentleman, renowned archaeologist, and the world’s greatest amateur super sleuth, embarks on his most daring adventure yet when he receives a letter from his old student, the famous opera diva Janice Quatlane. She is set to perform at the legendary Crown Petone Opera House and invites him to attend as her special guest. Meanwhile, a spate of disappearances hits London. Two young school girls are the latest victims and the Professor suspects it’s related to the mysterious occurrences at the theatre. The Professor and his loyal assistant Luke travel to the Opera House to solve their toughest puzzle yet, the mystery of Eternal Life!

Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva combines plenty of action and mystery with intriguing puzzles and a healthy dose of fun English wit to make for an inviting whodunit sure to captivate a wide audience,” says Brian Ige, Vice President, Animation. “The many puzzles that made the original Nintendo DS video game a hit are also present throughout the new feature film, and viewers are allowed time to formulate their own solutions to the riddles and brainteasers before Professor Layton provides the final answer. We invite new and established fans alike to join the fun as the Professor searches to solve the mysteries of Eternal Life hidden at the Crown Petone Opera House!”

The Professor Layton video game series is one of the most successful Nintendo DS exclusive titles. In addition to the popular movie, which was released in Japan in 2009, the property features five games developed by Level-5 for the Nintendo DS as well as two more game titles for the Nintendo 3DS. The games each feature various puzzles and mysteries that must be solved in order to advance to the next level.

For more information on Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva, please visit: Up to 90% Off + Additional 20% Off for End of Season Sale!


The next best thing after a spooktacular Halloween night is the after-holiday sales! Visit our site today to get up to 90% off select merchandise. That’s not all – if you act now, you’ll also receive an additional 20% off all sale items through November 3rd! Be sure to shop now. With prices this low, these costumes won’t be around forever.

Shake the World and Take the World with “The Sons of Hercules: Land of Darkness”!

from RiffTrax:

Everyone knows Hercules (or Heracles, if you’re really fun to talk to at parties), the mighty Greek whose heroic exploits included cleaning up tons of horse crap. But not everyone knows his sons, who for some reason went by the name The Sons of Hercules!

Yes, The Sons of Hercules, whose theme song informs us “were men as men could be.” What in the hell this might conceivably mean, we have no idea. Perhaps their Y chromosomes are bulked up monstrosities like Popeye. Or maybe it’s because, as the song goes on to inform us, “They shook the world AND took the world,” while the rest of us, failing to be as men as men could be, merely do one or the other depending on who’s playing in Monday Night Football.

This particular episode centers around Argolese, a man whose ability to grow a respectable beard is severely hampered by his periwinkle mini-skirt. Argolese befriends a horrible man named Babar who, as a sidekick, ranks somewhere in between Jar Jar Binks and Shia LaBeouf’s character in Crystal Skull. Their lighthearted goal? Free a bunch of innocent people who have been horribly enslaved!

Along the way they’ll wrestle a lion (real), fight a dragon (fake) and evade a hungry bear (we’re not sure. We’re leaning toward it being Nicholas Cage.) One thing is for certain: a sword and sandals tale this bizarre requires the full riffing efforts of Mike, Kevin and Bill, who, put together, come very close to being as men as men could be.

Only $9.99!

Get it here.

J!NX: New Legendary Class Premium Tees

from J!NX:

Legendary Class Tees go Premium
We continue in the tradition of releasing popular favorites in premium cuts with the introduction of 4 new Legendary Class Tees. Our premium tees are 100% combed ring-spun cotton, supremely soft with a slimmer fit than a normal t-shirt. Expect to see more designs in premium over the coming months.

Mage Legendary Class Premium Tee
Rogue Legendary Class Premium Tee
Shaman Legendary Class Premium Tee
Priest Legendary Class Premium Tee