SIGG: Water Bottles with Geeky Style

SIGG Space Robot

SIGG Space Robot .4L

Made in Switzerland of Aluminum and containing our special SIGG liner, this bottle is 100% BPA free — even the cap, and every piece of plastic that goes into making the cap is BPA free (as will all SIGG bottles and tops). This fun bottle features our Space Robot design, is .4 Liters and is one of our best sellers in the kids department.

SIGG Sharky Glow

SIGG Sharky Glow .6L (20oz)

Our SIGG SHARKY GLOW .6L size reusable water bottle! This bottle is BLACK with white Shark design and features a glow in the dark cap. As with all of our Aluminum bottles, this .6 liter reusable water bottle is made with love in Switzerland and features SIGG’s exclusive liner that will not leach any harmful metals or chemicals into your beverage. You drink pure when you drink from SIGG. Why are SIGGs SUPERIOR to any other bottle on the market today? Check out our SIGG FAQ page and find out! See the FAQ for care and use instructions too!

Order directly through the SIGG website, or buy at and select retailers.

Nabaztag:tag, the multipurpose Internet-connected Rabbit

Official Nabaztag Website
Adopt a Rabbit

This gifted robot moves his ears, speaks 36 languages, reads, listens, his body lights up and he even detects the presence of other objects (by sniffing them). As he is permanently connected to the Internet, he can act, react, transmit or broadcast many types of content available over his network, news, messages, music, text, alerts, radio, etc.

He can hear you, obey your commands and even recognize things you give him to sniff.

Reading out books, or interacting with objects thus ushering in the pioneering of the RFID revolution are new skills Nabaztag:tag has acquired, adding to his multiple existing talents.

When connected to the Internet this marvellous Rabbit has infinite potential.

The first Nabaztag was born in 2005. He has since become an Icon for the new era of the Internet of Things.

More Weta News: July 2009

from Weta:

Hey Weta fans,
The last few weeks have been the busiest and most exciting in a long time. Comic-Con is upon us, our warehouses are brimming with products and we are processing pre-orders around the clock. Please be patient with us. We’re only a small company. Enjoy!

Return to Middle-earth celebratory offer! 1 Week! FREE SURPRISE PRESENTS with all orders from our The Lord of the Rings brand! Offers end Friday 31 July 2009.

In the News:
There and Back Again — Weta returns to Middle-earth
Listen to the latest Podcast — Episode XI

More News:
Weta at Comic-Con — in a nutshell
Rayguns in the HotHouse
Winners get the Halo treatment

See the Trailers:
District 9 — opens 14 August
Under the Mountain — opens 10 December
Daybreakers — opens January 2010

New Products:
The Lord of the Rings
Andúril — The Master Swordsmith’s Collection
Miniature Shields (coming soon – see picture)
Gollum Life Size Bronze Statue (coming soon – see picture)
Gandalf’s Cloak (coming soon – see picture)

Master Chief’s Mark VI Spartan Helmet
E.V.A. Helmet
C.Q.B. Helmet

The Art of John Howe — Sculptures from Middle-earth
Smaug the Golden

Hot Tip — wondering about your pre-order?
We have had an unprecedented amount of new products come in stock at the same time. And we’re only a small company without the resources of the huge corporates. Please rest assured that we are working around the clock to get your order to you, but please allow about a week for us to dispatch all orders. We’re trying to dispatch the orders fairly from both our old and our new website. Thank you! We appreciate your patience.

This is how you find us online! | Twitter: @wetaworkshop | Facebook: Weta Workshop

The Adventures of Al’s Brain

This is a promo for, which is in turn a promo for Al’s Brain (a 3-D journey through the human brain with “Weird Al” Yankovic). Al’s Brain premieres at the Orange County Super Fair (July 10 – August 9, 2009) and will travel to the Puyallup Fair in September (other dates and locations to be announced).

Disclaimers: Al did not write or perform the song in this promo, and the Al’s Brain in 3-D movie (which is mostly live action) bears no resemblance at all to this video.

HOME — a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

from HOME:

YouTube – homeproject’s Channel

We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth’s climate.

The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because HOME is a non-profit film.

HOME has been made for you: share it! And act for the planet.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

HOME official website

PPR is proud to support HOME

HOME is a carbon offset movie

More information about the Planet

Power House: Green Essentials Edition

Thames & Kosmos has released Power House: Green Essentials Edition, a new version of their popular Power House science kit.

Power House: Green Essentials Edition
Power House: Green Essentials Edition

To live sustainably, we must use Earth’s resources at a rate at which they can be replenished, and thus provide for future generations to live as we have. In this kit, you can learn about alternative energy and sustainable living by conducting experiments and building energy-related models. Thirty of the best experiments and the ten most important building projects from the original Power House kit are presented in this new Green Essentials Edition.
The ten building projects include: the power house itself, a greenhouse, a solar cell array, a passive solar collector, a solar oven, an air conditioner, a refrigerator, a hydrometer, a lemon battery, and a wind power generator.

Experiment with the heating, cooling, and insulation of the house and greenhouse. Test passive solar collection methods with a solar collector. Assemble a solar power array to explore active solar power with photovoltaics. Build a model refrigerator and air conditioner to learn about heat transfer. Experiment with a lemon battery to learn about power storage. Set up a wind turbine to generate electricity from the wind.

As you perform the experiments, you will read the diary entries of a group of young explorers who are learning to live a sustainable existence on an island. To survive, they must implement real-world versions of the projects you are doing in the kit. Ages 10 and up.

Compare to Power House Full Version

Available through Thames & Kosmos or one of their Dealers. For all the latest product news, follow Thames & Kosmos on Facebook.


Kacie Kinzer, a graduate student at ITP, is conducting social experiments with the help of her little robot friends, dubbed “Tweenbots”.

In New York, we are very occupied with getting from one place to another. I wondered: could a human-like object traverse sidewalks and streets along with us, and in so doing, create a narrative about our relationship to space and our willingness to interact with what we find in it? More importantly, how could our actions be seen within a larger context of human connection that emerges from the complexity of the city itself? To answer these questions, I built robots.

Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter. Rolling at a constant speed, in a straight line, Tweenbots have a destination displayed on a flag, and rely on people they meet to read this flag and to aim them in the right direction to reach their goal.

Given their extreme vulnerability, the vastness of city space, the dangers posed by traffic, suspicion of terrorism, and the possibility that no one would be interested in helping a lost little robot, I initially conceived the Tweenbots as disposable creatures which were more likely to struggle and die in the city than to reach their destination. Because I built them with minimal technology, I had no way of tracking the Tweenbot’s progress, and so I set out on the first test with a video camera hidden in my purse. I placed the Tweenbot down on the sidewalk, and walked far enough away that I would not be observed as the Tweenbot — a smiling 10-inch tall cardboard missionary — bumped along towards his inevitable fate.

The results were unexpected. Over the course of the following months, throughout numerous missions, the Tweenbots were successful in rolling from their start point to their far-away destination assisted only by strangers. Every time the robot got caught under a park bench, ground futilely against a curb, or became trapped in a pothole, some passerby would always rescue it and send it toward its goal. Never once was a Tweenbot lost or damaged. Often, people would ignore the instructions to aim the Tweenbot in the “right” direction, if that direction meant sending the robot into a perilous situation. One man turned the robot back in the direction from which it had just come, saying out loud to the Tweenbot, “You can’t go that way, it’s toward the road.”

The Tweenbot’s unexpected presence in the city created an unfolding narrative that spoke not simply to the vastness of city space and to the journey of a human-assisted robot, but also to the power of a simple technological object to create a complex network powered by human intelligence and asynchronous interactions. But of more interest to me was the fact that this ad-hoc crowdsourcing was driven primarily by human empathy for an anthropomorphized object. The journey the Tweenbots take each time they are released in the city becomes a story of people’s willingness to engage with a creature that mirrors human characteristics of vulnerability, of being lost, and of having intention without the means of achieving its goal alone. As each encounter with a helpful pedestrian takes the robot one step closer to attaining it’s destination, the significance of our random discoveries and individual actions accumulates into a story about a vast space made small by an even smaller robot.

Check out Mission 1 at the Tweenbots website, then join the e-mail list to receive updates about future missions and Kinzer’s progress on her robot-assisted thesis project.

Weta News: March 2009

from Weta:

Hey Weta fans,
It’s been a fantastic month — can’t believe it’s been that long since we relaunched the site. So many people have signed up, made reviews and comments, posted encouraging notes on forums all over the world. And even helped us out with photos and information. It’s all hugely appreciated. We thought we’d encourage you even further to review the pieces you own, so place product reviews for the items you own by April 15th and we will draw three winners who each get 60 Weta Dollars to spend. That’s enough for a Doctor Who helmet. Or a mini Raygun. So get reviewing — you enter automatically just by writing a review and I will pick a winner at random.

In the News:
Weta Workshop projects — Weta makes clever penguin for German TV
Weta Workshop builds Mermaid tail for double amputee
Television — The WotWots world premiere Monday 23 March on New Zealand TV
Listen to the Weta Cast Episode VI with The Lord Of The Rings veterans Matt Appleton, Emily-Jane Sturrock and Richard Taylor
Rayguns — Victorious Mongoose shipping world wide and politically incorrect shenanigans from Lord Cockswain.
Doctor WhoCyber Controller shipping world wide
Halo 3Official Xbox Magazine takes Weta’s Warthog for a spin

Last chance for our launch offers!
Buy ANYTHING on our site and be in to win a full size raygun worth US$ 690! (ends midnight 23 March)
Extra Weta Dollars on all purchases (ends midnight 23 March)
Set Up a Profile and be in to Win a goodie bag (ends midnight 31 March)

Hot Tip!
Have you checked out the cool projects that are due out this year?

See You Online!

Good News and Bad News from Vulcan

from Vulcan Tourism & Trek Station:

At long last, we have finally received an answer from Paramount Pictures, about our quest to host the movie premiere of Star Trek.

There is good news and bad news:

Bad news first: Unfortunately, due to timing and logistics surrounding the production and release details for the film, it will not be possible for the premiere to happen in Vulcan. This is largely due to the lead time that we require to rent and special order the equipment needed to put on the event (i.e. projector, screen, sound system etc); and the much shorter timelines the movie industry works with, surrounding film releases.

The Good news is that Paramount Pictures does want to involve Vulcan Tourism with the release of the film in Alberta. Although it is premature to know specific details, they have informed us that we will be invited to participate in the promo-screening of the film in Calgary. This screening will likely will be scheduled for a day or two prior to the film’s wide release on May 8.

Although this may seem, on the surface, to be the end of a long and colourful journey for the Town of Vulcan, we are thrilled with the results of our efforts:

* The support you have shown Vulcan for our lofty Hollywood goal has been overwhelming;

* The media’s response to this campaign has been remarkable; and,

* The idea has clearly caught the imaginations of the travelling public, as our visitor statistics continue to hold strong.

We are looking forward to seeing what Paramount Pictures has in mind to include Vulcan in its plans surrounding Star Trek’s release in May.

Even though Star Trek won’t be premiering in Vulcan this spring, we are still looking forward to a fun and busy year:

* The Town of Vulcan is currently in negotiations with CBS to become an officially licensed Star Trek destination;

* We have put in an application to the Guinness Book of Records to have the “Most people in one location doing a Klingon Bat’leth military-style drill” at our annual Spock Days/Galaxyfest this coming June;

* The Town of Vulcan will be bracing for a Klingon Invasion, as KAG Kanada members descend on Vulcan to celebrate their 20th Anniversary as a fan club at this year’s Spock Days/Galaxyfest weekend.

* The Canadian Space Agency and NASA is considering doing a downlink video conference between our local high school and Canadian Astronaut Robert Thirsk, live from the International Space Station in September (an event that will be open to the public).

If you would like to stay in touch with all of the goings on in Vulcan, we invite you to join our other Facebook group: “Trekking to Vulcan, Alberta” or ask to be put on our mailing list by contacting:

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and support for our small town’s ambitious goal to host the premiere of Star Trek XI.

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Live Long & Prosper!

Dayna Dickens, Tourism Coordinator
Erin Melcher, Information Services Coordinator
Town of Vulcan and Vulcan County, Alberta, Canada

Power House

Power House
Power House

Go green and learn how to adopt an eco lifestyle with the Power House, an Alternative Energy & Environmental Science kit from “edutainment” company Thames & Kosmos. The Power House is designed for ages 12 and up, and requires no soldering, making it an ideal hobby for the entire family.

“This is by far one of the best put together packages we have ever seen. Items like this will hopefully inspire our future generations to design and build energy efficient homes. Great for Birthdays, Summer Camp Projects, Boy Scouts and more.” — Carl’s Electronics

Sustainable Living in the 21st Century

Power House provides an engaging introduction to regenerative energy sources while teaching basic concepts and principles in physical science. The kit focuses on the heat and light energy from the sun, the energy from the wind, as well as with electrochemical and plant energy. You will learn how to transform and use these forms of energy.

With the Power House kit you can build a model house complete with solar panels, windmill, greenhouse, and desalination system. You can build and operate an electric train, windmill, solar cooker, solar hot water tank, hygrometer, electric motor, power hoist, sail car, and more! Plant watercress, prepare sauerkraut, and make chewing gum. Learn how plants convert sunlight into energy for your body and your engines.

The thoughtfully designed series of experiments was developed by physicist Uwe Wandrey. Professor Wandrey creatively integrates physical science and technology lessons with the adventure of building a home and living on a remote island. To survive, you must learn how to harness the power of the sun and the wind as well as tap the energy of other physical forces. The storyline follows the experiments in a stepwise fashion. Easy-to-follow activities make it fun to build models and use them for your experiments.

We hope that building small models such as are provided in Power House will inspire you to plan and construct something on a larger scale.

An Adventure in Sustainable Living

The Power House Experiment Manual is much more than just a set of instructions. The manual is organized around the story of a group of island dwellers who must learn to live sustainably using the resources available to them on their small island. As you read their journal entries and learn of their projects and experiments, you build models of the same projects and conduct the same experiments alongside them.

More than 20 different building projects in one kit!

  • Power House
  • Wind-powered Generator
  • Solar Collector
  • Solar Power Station
  • Greenhouse
  • Current Indicator
  • Sail Car
  • Hygrometer
  • Refrigerator
  • Electric Motor
  • Electric Crane
  • Electric Train
  • Oil Lamp
  • Light Telescope
  • Rice Cooker
  • Solar Oven
  • Oil Press
  • Thumbtack Scale
  • Lemon Battery
  • Electric Switch

Power House includes a 96-page full color manual with 70 experiments and 20 building projects, organized into these nine chapters:

• The Heat Trap: Construct and experiment with a greenhouse.
• The Sun Collector: Collect the sun’s rays to heat water.
• The Sun Burners: Make a solar cooker while learning about the principles of light before you cook rice and bake bread.
• The Water Vampire: Desalinate water, plant watercress, produce sauerkraut and make chewing gum.
• The Heat Absorbers: Learn how heat of evaporation provides cooling, conduct experiments about air humidity, build a hygrometer and test a refrigerator.
• Power Plants: Grow beans, make a potted plant feed a candle, harvest sunflower energy, build an oil press, and assemble an oil lamp.
• The Energy Converters: Extract electric current from sunlight and metals in acid, build a light telephone, galvanize a nail and split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
• The Forces of Magnetism: Generate electric current with magnetic fields. Build a current indicator, electric and solar motors, a transfer switch, and a crane. Lift pencils with the sun and learn about levers. Build an electric car.
• Wings in the Wind: Build a sail car and learn how wings and sails transform energy. Learn to sail with the wind, by the wind, and against the wind and examine a mixed energy vehicle.

Available through Thames & Kosmos or one of their Dealers. For all the latest product news, follow Thames & Kosmos on Facebook.

Manhattan Toy

“Play is discovery and exploration, and joy, and growth, and learning, and so much more,” explains Manhattan Toy. “And for us play is serious work. So when we bring play to life, we do it with a commitment to the finest in craftsmanship and creativity. All of our products, from the newest concepts to our time-tested classics, are innovatively designed to inspire imaginative play and delight our consumers large and small.” For the company whose motto is “Imaginations at Play!” the three essentials of toy creation are Originality, Developmental Value, and Quality & Safety:

Founded in 1979 by Francis Goldwyn (grandson of motion picture studio owner Sam Goldwyn), Manhattan Toy pioneered the use of non-traditional fabrics in toy design and introduced delightful new body styles in soft toys. Although Goldwyn is no longer involved in the ownership of Manhattan Toy, we remain true to his vision of marching to the beat of a different (toy) drum.

Play is not only fun, it’s essential to a child’s cognitive, emotional, and social development. Our design process blends science and whimsy to produce toys that offer children a rich array of visual and tactile stimulation and unlimited opportunities for imaginative exploration.

Our unsurpassed quality standards ensure that our toys are both durable and safe. Prior to manufacture, each Manhattan Toy design is thoroughly tested to comply with the most rigorous international standards for children’s products. Our quality assurance team continually reviews designs and procedures to ensure that products exceed both existing and new safety regulations.

In addition to making heirloom-quality toys, Manhattan Toy strives to be a socially conscious company. They teamed with the Girl Scouts to donate more than 60,000 Groovy Girls brand dolls and plush toys to the youngest survivors of Hurricane Katrina, and have created the Girl Scouts’ own line of Troop Groovy Girls dolls, which celebrate the empowerment of girls and were voted “Girl Toy of the Year” in 2008. In the realm of science, they promote awareness of the natural world by padding their zoo of plush animals with alternate choices to the traditional bears and bunnies. One of these animals is the critically endangered cheetah, which is on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) list of vulnerable species. According to the Cheetah Conservation Foundation, there are only about 10,000 cheetahs left now. Like Manhattan Toy, the CCF recognizes the importance of inspiring children to connect with nature, reaching out to tomorrow’s scientists and conservationists with their Kids4Cheetahs program.

Manhattan Toy currently offers two plush cheetahs, one of which is the Lanky Cats Cheetah. “Big, curious, yellow eyes standout on this loveable cheetah,” says Manhattan Toy. These eyes, a signature of the Lanky Cats collection, really are mesmerizing, seeming to follow a person’s every movement. In half-light, they glow green and shimmer like a real cat’s would at night. Also true to life, and thanks to heavily weighted paws, the Lanky Cats Cheetah can drape lazily over objects, dangle like the “hang in there” kitty, crouch in a ready-to-pounce stance, or be contorted into any other feline shape. “His understuffed, extra long body makes him incredibly poseable. He’s made out of a silky, soft fabric that begs to be petted.” Best of all, though, the cheetah markings on this toy are accurate. Many items marketed as cheetah-print are actually a leopard pattern; leopards and jaguars have rosette markings rather than the cheetah’s simple spots. Kudos to Manhattan Toy for the attention to detail!

Lanky Cats Cheetah

The other cheetah toy is the colourful Cha Cha Cheetah, a Petrageous Pet from Manhattan Toy’s popular Groovy Girls line. Cha Cha is stylishly dressed in an outfit and “bone” hair bow that looks like it was borrowed from baby Pebbles of The Flintstones, and will appeal to little girls who love the Groovy Girls dolls. She’s incredibly soft, with weighted, oversized feet that make it easy to pose her, and the velcro fasteners on her removable vest and collar make changing clothes simple for little fingers. Trendy Groovy Girls Fashions and Furniture & Accessories are available for additional dress-up fun.

Cha Cha Cheetah

In the name of scientific exploration, Manhattan Toy even replicates long-extinct animals, like the Mesozaurs Stegosaurus. “Bright green with contrasting orange plates and blue tail spikes, the Stegosaurus is one of the most colorful dinos you’ll find. He’s soft, cuddly and highly textured for tactile appeal. With loads of prehistoric personality, he’ll come to life in any youngster’s hands.” The Mesozaurs Stegosaurus is an amazing piece of craftmanship. Unlike most statically posed stuffed dinosaurs, Manhattan Toy has designed their dinosaurs in dynamic action poses. The Stegosaurus’ tail is whipped to one side, ready to strike, its head angled in the opposite direction, warily alert of predators. The fabric used for its plumply stuffed body is roughly patterned and textured like cut velvet to suggest a scaly hide, the orange back plates are made of a sheer material that’s ridged to look like bone, and the toenails and tail spikes are shiny black and blue vinyl, with little inserts of lavender and blue material for the eyelids and mouth. It’s hard to stop running your hands over this sumptuous toy.

Mesozaurs Stegosaurus

While the Stegosaurus is the expected dino-green colour, the rest of the Mesozaurs Dinosaurs — a red Brontosaurus, blue T-Rex, and orange Triceratops — are a vibrant rainbow that reflects modern science’s theory that dinosaurs were likely as diverse in appearance as the animal species of today.

For fantasy and mythology lovers, Manhattan Toy also has a range of plush Dragons (wizard included) and Dr. Seuss characters. Whatever your plushy passion is, Manhattan Toy fulfills your wishes with top-notch playthings that are beautiful to look at, irresistible to touch, and fun to play with.

Order now at
Lanky Cats Cheetah
Cha Cha Cheetah
Mesozaurs Stegosaurus

Or order directly through the Manhattan Toy website.

Lanky Cats Cheetah, Cha Cha Cheetah, and Mesozaurs Stegosaurus are distributed by Manhattan Toy.


WALL-E, the #1 animated film of the year from Disney-Pixar, is released on DVD today, November 18!

The highly acclaimed director of Finding Nemo and the creative storytellers behind Cars and Ratatouille transport you to a galaxy not so far away for a new cosmic comedy adventure about a determined robot named WALL-E.

After hundreds of lonely years of doing what he was built for, the curious and lovable WALL-E discovers a new purpose in life when he meets a sleek search robot named EVE. Join them and a hilarious cast of characters on a fantastic journey across the universe.

Transport yourself to a fascinating new world with Disney-Pixar’s latest adventure, now even more astonishing on DVD and loaded with bonus features, including the exclusive animated short film BURN-E. WALL-E is a film your family will want to enjoy over and over again.

Bonus Features (Single-Disc Standard Edition):

  • BURN-E — Hilarious, All-New Animated Short, “Bringing Light to the Galaxy… Eventual-E”
  • Presto — Amazing Animated Theatrical Short Film
  • Deleted Scenes: Garbage Airlock and Dumped
  • Sneak Peek: WALL-E’s Tour of the Universe — WALL-E Takes You on a Real Ride Through Space
  • Animation Sound Design: Building Worlds from the Sound Up — Legendary Sound Designer Ben Burtt Shares Secrets of Creating the Sounds of WALL-E
  • Audio Commentary with Director Andrew Stanton
  • And More!

Feature Running Time: Approx. 98 Minutes/Colour/Digitally Mastered. Rated G. Earth (and Space) Friendly Eco-Packaging: “Get into Environmentalit-E. Join Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment as we strive to develop and utilize the most environmentally responsible business practices. For this release of WALL-E, we developed a 100% recyclable DVD package. Find out how you can help WALL-E reduce waste and recycle. Visit”

For more WALL-E information, visit the official WALL-E website and Amazon’s WALL-E page, and pick up a copy of the companion book to the film, The Art of WALL-E.

Order now at
WALL-E (Single-Disc Standard Edition)
WALL-E (Three-Disc Special Edition + Digital Copy)
WALL-E (Two-Disc and BD Live — Blu-ray]
WALL-E (Three-Disc Special Edition + Digital Copy and BD Live — Blu-ray)
The Art of WALL-E