The Slide Rules at ThinkGeek

from ThinkGeek:

Prawn Sympathizers,

Can somebody please enlighten us as to how it got to be September already? One minute we’re making April Fools jokes like Squeez Bacon and the Tauntaun Sleeping bag (which is no longer a joke, yay!) and the next it’s back to school time. Seriously, we need a timeturner or an anomaly in the space-time continuum up in here folks, because we’re not getting any younger and we have lots of of geektastic stuff to do before the year is up. And in case you’ve been wondering what we’ve been doing to lead us to this point, we’ve been trying to figure out how folks back in the 60’s used these things to get us to the moon!

ThinkGeek Slide Rule

Appreciate the technology you have today by experiencing the calculators of yesteryear. They may be analog computers, but with a little practice, you can ramp up your geek cred and count yourself amongst the great scientists, astronauts and smarty-pants of the analog era.

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