Legend of NOEL! X-mas Merch Deals

from The Legend of Neil:

Neil lovers,

Christmas is almost upon us. Can you imagine the disappointment on your loved one’s face when he/she DOESN’T receive a Neil T-shirt or poster from our official Legend of Neil store? To motivate you, we’re offering a limited time buy 1 get 1 free deal with the posters! Buy any poster, get another one of equal or lesser value for absolutely FREE!!! It’s a perfect stocking stuffer. All you’ve got to do is purchase the poster you want and then email legendofneilstore@gmail.com with your Transaction ID and which other poster you want for FREE. And that’s not ALL (hell yeah, we’re going all infomercial on you) the first 10 to take advantage of this offer, will get their posters signed by Neil creator Sandeep Parikh.

This offer expires on Sunday the 19th, and really the earlier you do it the higher the liklihood you’ll get it in time for the big ho-ho-holiday.

Oh, and buy some T-shirts too, we have a really limited supply and these will be the LAST RUN of these T-shirts, so snatch em up before someone else does. We’re already running out of sizes for the Heart and This Crap is Free shirts, and running low on Fog shirts, so move, baby, move! Fog T-shirts are only $14.95! Here’s the LINK to the store one more time. Pun intended. Thanks for supporting the show you love!

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