Comics Illuminati Deem Simon Bisley’s 13 COINS 3D Covers “Mind-blowing.”
Set in New York City, 13 Coins promises to explain the origin of “…every evil, every horror, every legend man has ever known.” It is the story of a secret war between descendants of angels against descendants of demons, and both sides fighting to claim a young man who is the key to Earth’s future…or Heaven’s fall.
13 COINS, the e-comic series about the bloody battle between good and evil being fought on our earth by half-human, half-Nephilims vs. the Fallen Angels, is the brainchild of Hitman Absolution videogame writers Martin Brennan and Michael B. Jackson, who partner with Simon Bisley on 3D covers (using an innovative new 3D graphics engine) and interior pencil art, and colorist Ryan Brown. In short, it’s a creative dream team. The third book in the series launches on Friday morning at 12:01 a.m. via the Apple iOS app store, available for iPads iPhones. The 13 COINS App is free.
As a nod to the fans, pulisher orinthian Productions Ltd. is offering 13 COINS Issue #1 for free for a limited time, and for the next seven days, they will be offering Issue #2 for just 99 cents. Issue #3 will retail for $2.99 USD.
For more information and updates on 13 COINS, please visit the following links:
13 Coins Free iTunes Store App:
13 Coins Simon Bisley 3D Cover Art Video: