Return of the Force FX Sabers at ThinkGeek

from ThinkGeek:

Friends of The Republic,

These last few weeks have been more deliciously geeky than Melange
flavored jelly beans eaten on a holodeck trip to planet Raisa… We had a successful shuttle launch, Pi day, The theatrical release of one of the best novels (graphic or otherwise) of all time, Einstein’s Birthday, Resident Evil 5, and the list goes on. In fact it does right now with the return of the Force FX Lightsabers…

Star Wars Force FX Lightsabers — After A Long Hiatus, They’re Back!!

Without lightsabers, Luke Skywalker would just have been a whiney brat. Without lightsabers, Darth Vader would just have been a big dude in a funky suit. Without lightsabers, the Jedi would never have been able to force back all three Ewok invasions. Lightsabers are a noble weapon of a more civilized time. By focusing power through Adegan crystals, a blade of pure energy is produced. Well, these sabers aren’t real (that is, they won’t take Ponda Baba’s arm off), but they are so close you won’t mind. Featuring power-up and power-down light and sound effects, as well as energy hum, swish, and crash sounds (taken directly from the films), these Force FX sabers will help you take the step from Padawan fan to true Jedi Knight.

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