Events for “The Legend of Neil” and “The Guild”

from The Legend of Neil:

So there a crap-ton of events coming up that I wanted to share with you all where we’ll be promoting The Legend of Neil and The Guild and actually selling T-shirts and what not!

ATOM.COM LIVE! in Los Angeles, CA on April 22nd

Meet Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh as they screen an episode of Neil plus the first sketch they ever shot together! It’s at the Comedy Central Stage in LA! For the first time ever LoN t-shirts will be available for sale!

DELTA H CON in Houston, TX, April 24-26

Meet Sandeep Parikh (creator of Neil and Zaboo on The Guild) and the rest of The Guild (minus Felicia). They will be on hand signing autographs, judging contests and mixing and mingling:

Friday: April 24
Autographs 1-2 pm (main room)
Karoke Judging 4-6 pm
The Guild Season One Screening with Cast Q &A session 8-9:30pm

Saturday: April 25
Autographs 11-1pm (main room)
Panel: The Making of a Web Phenomena (Cast and Guild producer Kim Evey discuss what goes into making The Guild.) 3-4pm
The Guild Season Two Screening with Cast Q &A session 6:30-8pm

Sunday: April 26
Anime Music Video Judging 9-10:30am

COMICON in San Diego, July 23rd-26th

Details are still vague but the plan is still to premiere Season 2 of The Legend of Neil, and hold a Q&A! But seriously, with or without us, this event is more than worth going to. It’s the Con of all Cons (no offense other cons).

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