“Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” DVD Hits Shelves Nationwide

from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog:

Entertainment Weekly‘s Picks of the Week

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (out Tuesday). Joss Whedon’s musical about a lovelorn would-be supervillain and the video blog he records in his home doesn’t exactly scream surefire hit, but it took the Internet by storm last summer. This sweet and sinister tale about the eponymous mad scientist (Neil Patrick Harris) who battles his arch nemesis, Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion, of Whedon’s dearly departed Firefly), for the affections of the crusading civilian Penny (Felicia Day) shot immediately to the top of the iTunes video chart, and was viewed over 2.2 million times in its first week. If you missed it then, here’s your chance to discover it. EW: An oral history of Dr. Horrible

"Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog" DVD

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother) stars as Billy, A.K.A. Dr. Horrible, a budding supervillain whose plans for world domination continually go awry. His two goals: getting accepted into the Evil League of Evil, and working up the guts to speak to his laundromat crush Penny, played by Felicia Day (The Guild). The only thing standing in his way is Captain Hammer, Billy’s superhero archnemesis played by Nathan Fillion (Firefly). With one big score, Billy could get into the E.L.E. and earn the respect of Penny, but only if he can keep her away from the dashing Captain Hammer…

DVD Features Include:
Over 90 minutes of bonus material

Distributor: New Video

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