Legend of Neil Episode 4 is Live

from The Legend of Neil:

We are very proud of the brand new episode of Neil that features much drinking, references to Cheers, and an 80s montage. Yes, we were on crack the entire time while writing the ep. Actually funnily enough (is funnily a word?), this episode was written to be the actual 6th episode of season 1. But due to budgetary reasons for season 1 we couldn’t pull it off and had to instead do 3 episodes in the dungeon of level 1. So we’ve been saving this one up for a while. We’ve always really loved this episode so I’m so glad that almost 2 years after writing it we’re finally able to show it to you. Here’s hoping you like it!

If you missed our previous musical episode please chiggity check it here. If you do not currently own a Legend of Neil t-shirt then you are not cool. Become cool here.

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