Happy Neiladays! Collector’s items up for Bidding!

from The Legend of Neil:

We have put out a limited amount of “This Crap is Free” T-Shirts that have been signed by most of THE LEGEND OF NEIL CAST and show creator Sandeep Parikh on eBay for you to bid on.

These shirts are sure to become collectors items and coveted by fans for many years to come. It is likely that in the future they will be worth 3 billion glibfams (glibfams being the currency of the future of course). So bid on them now while they’re still reasonable!

Is there that special someone in your life whom you know would love this gift? Is that special someone you? Act now! Supplies are limited (there are 17 shirts total in a variety of sizes, men’s and women’s) and this offer will expire soon, so act now and good luck!

And from all of us here at The Legend of Neil office located here in beautiful downtown Hyrule, we thank you for being the greatest fans since mankind started becoming fans of things and we wish you all a very Happy Holidays and a safe and drunken New Years!

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