Merry Christmas from Grordbort Industries!

from Weta:

Season’s Salutations!

Another 365 days of aether oscillations have come and gone. At Grordbort Industries, we intend to celebrate that with a lethal cocktail of Pimms, Lemonade and experimental fireworks. However — we sincerely hope there are enough of us left in January to take you all on a humdinger of a journey again in 1912. In case we don’t, however, we have decided to launch two brand new products below. We don’t want you to miss out because we’ve been playing with fire… Please also note that while we’re fooling around with explosives in this reckless manner, the office will be scantily staffed, so we beg of you to please bear with us.

Merry Whatever Tickles Your Seasonal Fancy!

The Blue Sacked Pillock available to order!
The Blue Sacked Pillock is the first in a planned series of fantastical insectoids from the Universe of Dr. Grordbort’s, hand made by the world class artists at Weta Workshop. Each only available in an edition of 50 world wide. This is what Lord Cockswain’s field notes say about this specimen:

Entomologically preserved specimen collected Venusian steppe sector VI, near Mount Kann-Udl. Mounted and framed. A1 condition.


The male Blue Sacked Pillock is a weedy little bugger whose fore-limbs (in fact its only limbs, not counting the “wings”) are disproportionately elongated. The most obvious peculiarity is, however, the bulbous and rather sickly blue inflatable appendage that makes up the rear third of the animal.

Read more astonishing facts about Pillocks here. Then Get One!

Pearce 75 Atom Ray Gun
The good folks in the Product Development shed at Grordbort Industries (none more so than the unfortunate Mr. Pearce) were hired to go down seldom trodden paths in their relentless quest for perfection.Who doesn’t recall the infamous Troglodactic Confounder of ’86. he carnage! Incredible. This time, while hiding behind the generic moniker of “Ray Gun”, their engineers claim to have perfected the elusive infra-compunctive resonance perversion (IRP). Early field tests allegedly left much to the imagination (particle acceleration — my ****!), but recently, the Pearce test range near Inverness has had more than occasional visits by the emergency services. Always a good sign. Pre-order your Pearce 75 Atom Ray Gun promptly! There are a mere 400…

Blast a Buffoon gets an upgrade — now blast your Facebook Pals
Remember this from a few weeks ago? Well now it’s significantly better — you can blast your Facebook pals with little to no effort! What are you waiting for, man — fire up that Particle Smasher and get busy blowing your buddies to bits!

And don’t forget to post your seasonal greetings in the Forum!

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