I think it’s no secret to anyone who visits ÜberSciFiGeek with any frequency that we have been huge fans and supporters of Riese: The Series since we first discovered some teaser footage on YouTube over a year ago. In case you are aren’t familiar with it, Riese is a sci-fi/fantasy series richly influenced by history, mythology, folklore and steampunk. The series follows a young woman named Riese and her companion, a wolf named Fenrir, who travel through a collapsing world trying to piece together the fragmented memories of her past while attempting to evade the dangerous religious cult that hunts her. The series is a visual and auditory feast with great attention paid to every detail, from the stitching of the wardrobe to the background noise in the high-definition sound. It caught the attention of Fireworks International and was pulled from the web while distribution rights were being negotiated. It was then re-edited with narration by Amanda Tapping (Stargate, Sanctuary) and re-released a few weeks ago on Syfy.com as Riese: Kingdom Falling.
From co-creators Ryan Copple and Kaleena Kiff (who shares directorial credits with Nicholas Humphries), Riese features sci-fi regulars such as Christine Chatelain (Sanctuary, Supernatural, The Collector), Sharon Taylor (Smallville, Stargate Atlantis, Eureka), Patrick Gilmore (Stargate Universe, Battlestar Galactica), Ben Cotton (Harper’s Island, Stargate Atlantis, Taken), Ryan Robbins (Sanctuary, Caprica, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Atlantis), Peter Kelamis (Stargate Universe, Dragon Ball Z, The X-Files), Emilie Ullerup (Sanctuary, jPod, Battlestar Galactica), Alessandro Juliani (Battlestar Galactica, Smallville, Death Note), Allison Mack (Smallville, Alice & Huck), and Gina Chiarelli (The Dead Zone, Masters of Science Fiction, The Outer Limits).
For those of us who’ve been Riese fans (lovingly referred to as Rieslings) since the beginning, and the new ones who’ve been watching Riese: Kingdom Falling since it premiered on Syfy.com, it’s been a harrowing few weeks. Many of us watched Sanctuary get snapped up by Syfy after only eight episodes and have been hoping that Riese might be able to make the same move from hit web series to hit TV series. Syfy has been teasing us and watching the numbers while considering whether or not to make that hope a reality. We’ve all been waiting on the edge of our seats for news and running guerrilla warfare tactics to get our friends, family members and random strangers online to watch the show to help convince Syfy this should be on their New Original Series line-up for next season.
Well, the wait may be close to over. Today, Syfy posed the following question on its Facebook page:
What do you think? Should Riese eventually make the jump to TV?
Twitter and Facebook have been busy for the past few hours as Rieselings repost and respond to the question. @Riesetheseries tweeted “Our tweet to @Syfy got so much buzz it made it to Twitter’s front page. Guess you do want to see more Riese. 😉 Good work Rieslings!”
So, here’s your chance to help make our dreams a reality.
If you have a Facebook account, visit Syfy and answer “YES!!!”
If you have a Twitter account, send a friendly “PLEASE make #Riese a TV show!” to @syfy.
So, what are you waiting for? Go… do it. Now!
Riese: Kingdom Falling Official Website
Riese on Facebook
Riese on Twitter
Riese on Amazon
Riese: Battle for Eleysia Game for iPhone