RiffTrax: Our riff of “Avatar” is now available!

from RiffTrax:

By now, everyone knows the story of how Avatar single-handedly changed moviemaking forever. Its visionary director (whose name escapes us, you know the one, he’s that guy who didn’t win an Oscar this year) proved that progressive films can succeed in today’s marketplace. As long as progressive means “completely unoriginal and devoid of depth” and the high praise heaped upon the work is entirely based upon it being nice to look at. In this sense, Megan Fox is a progressive actress, and The Hills was the most important television show of the last 10 years. It is truly a bold, experimental piece of work, keeping in mind that crystal meth and fat substitute Olestra (which brought the phrase “anal leakage” into our lexicon) were also the results of experimentation.

For those of you who haven’t seen it (*cricket cricket*), Avatar is the story of just how pretty a jungle planet can look in 3D, and maybe there are some people fighting in it or whatever. It’s also a great refresher on some of your favorite 90s action movie dialogue clichés.

Get it here.

The Legend of Neil: Season 3 Shooting Now

from The Legend of Neil:

Dear Fans of Neil,

Thanks so much for sticking by us! We’re 5 days in to a 14 day shoot for season 3. It’s going to be an epic season! A bunch of new characters mixed in with your old favorites. Or should I say “Ooooold favorites?” The creator/director has been updating daily on our Facebook fan page and our Twitter as well. Join us on either site, pick your poison and raise a glass of dragon period ale as we push to make season 3 the best season yet!

Mimoco: Celebrate Earth Day with GURP + check out our 40th Anniversary Earth Day Spectacular!

from Mimoco:

Recycle. Enjoy. MIMOBOT.
Send in your old, sad flash drives & earn MIMOBOT credit!

mimoZine’s 40th Anniversary Earth Day Spectacular!
In celebration of all things good and green, mimoZine is happy to share all the enviro-memories that we gathered at ROTHBURY Music Festival — a 4-day music event featuring the best in Music, art and environmental awareness.

Earth Friendly Tee-Shirt
Show your love for the world with an Earth Friendly 100% organic cotton and ink tee-shirt!

Adopt an Earth Friendly MIMOBOT!
They’ve been transported to Earth from their Mother Planet blõôh to safe-guard & protect your files!

What is GURP?
Learn more about what you can do with your old, sad USB flash drive with our Greenbot USB flash drive Recycling Program, aka GURP!

FREE Shipping on orders over $75*!

“The Guild” Comic Book

from The Guild:

The Guild comic book, issue #2 (of 3) was released yesterday. This issue features cover art by Matthew Stawicki (shown) and Kristin Donaldson. In #2, we finally get to see all the Guildies. If you want a preview of the comic, Comic Book Resources again has a sneak peek. And like the first issue, the comic is already getting some great reviews — here’s one from Airlock Alpha, and two more here and here. The response from our fans to the comic has been tremendous, from 200+ people showing up to the signing at Golden Apple Comics to reports of The Guild as some people’s first comic book ever purchased. Thanks so much for the support!

Dark Horse Comics alerted us to the fact that due to a distributor glitch, stores in NY, PA, MI, parts of TX and MO, and most of Canada did not receive issue #2 yesterday but will be getting it next week. They also announced the release of issue #1 as an iTunes App, so you can now enjoy the comic for 99 cents on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Here’s the link to the iTunes Store. Dark Horse will release each of the three issues to iTunes, about a month after the print version (exact dates are hard to know, since iTunes has an approval process which affects the release, but we’ll keep you posted).

Pick up your copy from your local comic shop, or buy online from Things from Another World or any number of online retailers.

If you just can’t get enough of the comic, here are some additional links for your enjoyment: Felicia’s blog entry about issue #2, a quick interview with Felicia by Dark Horse, and a cool “Making of” feature that shows issue #1 in various stages of production.

The Guild management

Time to Get Your Read On!

from Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls:

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… to get your read on!

Once again, Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls will be invading the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. Being held this weekend (April 24th – 25th) on the beautiful UCLA campus, this festival is one of the largest literary events in the world.

A few events being held at the festival are special lectures by authors, book signings and reviews, poetry readings, as well as story-telling and live performances on the children’s area stage.

So come on by and check us out. We are in the children’s book section — Booth 854.

And, as a special bonus, those at the festival who buy a Galaxy Girl Doll online at our booth will get an original MWGG illustration by creator Lauren Faust!

For more details, please visit the Festival of Books website.

Hope to see you there!

Over and Out!

Mother Earth

Irreference Report: April

from Quirk Books:

Dawn of the Dreadfuls Hits New York Times Best-Seller List
Check out this prequel to the original monster mash-up phenomenon, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Read an excerpt and check out the book trailer.

Quirk @C2E2 on Flickr
See photos of all the wacky antics and comic-inspired debauchery at C2E2.

Quirk’s Series of Tubes:
Find Quirk Books on Facebook
Find Quirk Classics on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Watch our videos on YouTube
Admire our photos on Flickr

JoCo News and Shows

from Jonathan Coulton:

Hello! If it seems like I’ve disappeared from the internet it’s because I’ve been in prison. Kidding! They have the internet in prison!

First, please note that the following shows are happening:

May 7th-9th
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Pretty sure it’s too late to get tickets to this, but even so: maxfuncon.com.

Thursday May 13 at 8PM
The Hat Factory in Richmond, VA
With Paul and Storm

Friday May 14 at 9PM
The Lincoln Theater in Raleigh, NC
With Paul and Storm

Saturday May 22 at 8 PM
Sympho’s “Tweetheart”
Church for All Nations in NYC
Sympho is an orchestral concert series run by my friend (and fellow Whiffenpoof!) Paul Haas. Tweetheart is an evening of classical, electronica, and pop songs about love. I’ll be doing one of my songs that he’s arranged for the symphony — it’s going to be really cool I think.

Thursday May 27 at 7:30PM
Just for Laughs in Montreal, QC
With Paul and Storm
If you think I am not going to do “Re: Your Brains” in French while I am in Quebec, then you are crazy. There are still PLENTY of tickets available, if you know what I mean.

Friday May 28 at 8PM
Gladstone Theater in Ottowa, ON
With Paul and Storm

Sunday May 30 at 8PM
Enwave Theater in Toronto, ON
With Paul and Storm

And now for the long wordy part in which I talk about me.

Yes, I have been hiding out of late. You may have noticed my last blog update was OVER A MONTH AGO, and I’ve been awfully quiet on the Twitter. And of course I continue to completely ignore Facebook and MySpace, though that’s mostly because I am an old person. This year had a busy start with a lot of touring, all really great shows with some lovely audiences, including the exciting opportunity to open for They Might Be Giants for a few shows. But all that travel time and road food and T-shirt counting tires me out. I have been resting.

As I keep saying in interviews, “Whine whine, success is a terrible burden, etc.” I was as surprised as anyone when Thing a Week started generating audiences and income, and the last few years have been about sorting that out: figuring out how to play live and tour, tweaking the business side of things, counting huge stacks of cash, finding a decent helipad maintenance team, the usual. There hasn’t been a lot of song writing, which is supposedly a large part of my job. I understand now why bands tour for a while and then stop so they can write the next record — it’s very hard to write anywhere near a tour, especially when you’re running everything yourself. Sometimes I feel more like a traveling salesman than a musician.

So I’m going to keep a much lighter tour schedule for a while, and I’m going to really buckle down and make some music. For serious this time. Not even jocoserious, I’m talking SERIOUS serious. In fact, I am currently working on a thrilling super-secret project, and if it comes together I’ll be able to talk about it very soon. I’m slightly terrified about it, which means it’s probably the right thing to do. And it will involve lots of new music and creative stretching and growing, which is something I desperately need if I’m going to stay engaged and satisfied and relevant. Thing a Week was excruciating, but I miss it. I’m ready for The Next Project, and I think I finally know what it is.

So that’s why it’s been quiet around here, and I promise it’s going to get less quiet soon. In the meantime, thanks for your patience and continued support.

P.S. Does anybody know how to write songs?

Introducing Weta Legs — a costuming revolution!

from Weta:

Weta Legs — a costuming revolution!

Weta is today hugely excited to bring to the world Weta Legs, a digitigrades leg extension for performers, costumers and anyone who’s ever wanted to walk like an animal.

Since they were displayed a year ago on the Internet for the first time, there has been tremendous interest from performers across the world.

Weta Legs are a unique, low profile, professional grade, reverse leg stilt for creature and costume performances in movies, television, theatre, circus, street performances and other creative contexts. Something previously reserved for commercial film and television projects, they are the first of their kind available commercially to the public.

Check out the Product Video on wetaNZ.com.

“It’s a real thrill to be able to present these stilts to performers across the world,” says Richard Taylor, Weta’s Creative Director and five time Academy Award winner. “Kim Graham has really nailed this and we’re very proud to be working with her to bring these legs to the market.”

Kim Graham — the inventor of the Weta Legs:

“The greatest challenge was to build something all my friends could wear and build cool costumes over the top of. And this was a tremendous challenge. I wanted to incorporate everything, low profile, ease of use, light weight, comfort and adaptibility. All of these are extremely important to a performer who will be wearing these for long periods of time”.

Weta Legs are sold online at wetaNZ.com and shipped world wide.

What is “digitigrades”?

In essence, it means “walks on its toes”. Us humans put our heels flat on the ground, but what we call the foot on an animal such as a dog, is really its toes. Its “heel” is therefore the next joint off the ground and it points backwards. By using the Weta Legs, you can imitate this way of walking.

Other words for digitigrades leg extensions are “digilegs”, “reverse leg stilts” or “dogleg stilts”.

Who is Kim Graham?

Kim Graham, from Seattle, Washington, has been sculpting since the 80s in a wide variety of media and sizes ranging from 22′ wide fiberglass dragons to fired clay figuratives to architectural ceramic pieces. Primarily self-taught, Kim has in recent years moved away from her special effects/fantasy based mold-making work to focus intensely on one-of-a-kind fine art sculptures.

Kim started the development of the Weta Legs three years ago and has continually refined and developed the design. She has worked for the last year in Wellington with the Weta Workshop technicians.

Follow Weta Online! Twitter | Facebook

“Flower in a Storm” Brings On a Frenzied Romantic Chase in a Fun New Shojo Series from VIZ Media

from VIZ Media:

VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, offers Flower in a Storm, an imaginative romantic comedy from a fresh new talent of the shojo manga world, Shigeyoshi Takagi. Set to be published under the Shojo Beat imprint and released on May 4th, Flower in a Storm is rated “T+” for Older Teens and will carry an MSRP of $9.99 U.S. / $12.99 CAN.

Riko Kunimi is trying to lead a normal high school life when Ran Tachibana bursts into her classroom carrying a gun and tells her that her life is now his. Ran, who is the richest and most powerful 17-year-old in Japan, wants her as his wife, and he’s not taking no for an answer!

If Ran can’t capture her by five o’clock the next day, he’ll give up, but he has all that money can buy at his disposal. However, Riko has one trick up her sleeve — she has superpowers!

Flower in a Storm is a zany, sweet, over-the-top story of a girl with superhuman abilities who just wants to lead a normal life and a boy who leads anything but a normal life but just wants to make her his,” says Leyla Aker, Editorial Manager, VIZ Media. “We hope shojo readers will enjoy this fresh, funny debut series from a young creator.”

Flower in a Storm is a two-volume series that was originally featured in Lala and Lala DX magazines (also the original home of Vampire Knight). This is the first graphic novel from Shigeyoshi Takagi.

For more information on this title, or other shojo titles from VIZ Media, please visit shojobeat.com.

The Webby Awards Honors LUMINA the Series for Best Editing


from Lumina:

Lumina the Web Series has been selected as an Official Honoree for the Best Editing category in The 14th Annual Webby Awards. As a result of the exceptional quality of submissions this year, the Academy has chosen to recognize work exhibiting remarkable achievement that was not selected as a Nominee. Out of the nearly 10,000 entries from over 60 countries submitted to the 14th Annual Webby Awards, less than 15% are awarded the status of Official Honoree. Only four, including Lumina and the Sony web series Angel of Death, were selected as Official Honorees for Best Editing.

The Webby Awards Official Honoree distinction marks the groundbreaking Hong Kong web series’ eleventh award distinction since its online release last fall. Previous honors include one Streamy Awards nomination for Best Cinematography, six Indie Soap Awards nominations, including for Best Writing and Best Directing, and three American Soap World Awards nominations. “I am so proud of my team, especially of our editor Bettina Enigl for her hard work and dedication to her craft,” says Lumina writer and director Jennifer Thym. “This is a great honor and I hope our success encourages other filmmakers to explore the web series medium.”

About Lumina the Web Series:

Written and directed by first time American director Jennifer Thym and the debut release from her film production company RockGinger, Lumina the Web Series is a dark densely woven fantasy series set against the sparkling backdrop of Hong Kong. Lumina stars actress JuJu Chan, who also starred in the acclaimed RTHK reality show on poverty. Michael Chan and Vince Matthew Chung co-star. The series features music from around the world, including songs from groundbreaking music collective The Enigmatic Army, American college circuit favorite Tim Be Told and China Global Battle of the Bands winner Killer Soap. The entire nine part first season of Lumina is now available to view on luminaseries.com as well as on Lumina’s American distribution partners’ websites, koldcast.tv and blip.tv. A special DVD release with behind the scenes footage and bonus material is on the way.

About RockGinger:

RockGinger is a film production company founded in 2008 by award-nominated film director and producer Jennifer Thym. Thym’s debut film project, the groundbreaking fantasy web series Lumina (nine webisodes, 63 minutes total running time, released fall 2009), garnered eleven distinctions in four different award ceremonies and has been viewed in festivals and on online platforms around the world. She also is producer of the independent feature film Jasmine, starring Jason Tobin, Eugenia Yuan, Glen Chin, Sarah Lian and Byron Mann. Her latest project is the action feature film Bloodtraffick.

About the Webby Awards:

The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet. Established in 1996 during the Web’s infancy, the Webbys are presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, which includes an Executive 750-member body of leading Web experts, business figures, luminaries, visionaries and creative celebrities, and Associate Members who are former Webby Award Winners and Nominees and other Internet professionals.

The Academy is an intellectually diverse organization that includes musician David Bowie, Internet inventor Vinton Cerf, Martha Stewart, The Weinstein Company’s Harvey Weinstein, Arianna Huffington, Flickr co-founder Caterina Fake, Ogilvy’s Chief Digital Officer Lars Bastholm, Simpsons creator Matt Groening and Virgin Group Chairman Richard Branson. Members also include writers and editors from publications such as The New York Times, Wired, Details, Fast Company, Elle, The Los Angeles Times, Vibe, and WallPaper.

J!NX: 20% off to Celebrate “Talesworth Adventure”

from J!NX:

New J!NX Classic Tee: Release the Kraken Boxer Briefs
There are many beasts among the depths. Yet they should not be feared. Rather, they should be allowed to roam free, and not be caged in some stuffy dungeon. Sure, titans may clash and there will be casualties. That’s no reason to hold back the creatures that lurk below. All entendre aside, these boxer briefs will support your unmentionables better than a Harry Hamlin loincloth.

Talesworth Adventure
Sean “Jinx” Gailey has spent his free-time starting games since he was 7, and lately, he’s been getting into the habit of finishing them. His third game, Talesworth Adventure, is a puzzle game that challenges you to guide the fearless (and not very bright) Questy through 30 rooms of peril. It has already been mentioned on Kotaku, and is currently the featured game on Newgrounds. To celebrate, we’re offering 20% off all products from now until Sunday night. Just use code “QUESTY” during checkout. Not valid with any other offer or sale item.

-Team J!NX