“Cinematic Titanic LIVE: The Alien Factor” DVD

Cinematic Titanic LIVE: The Alien Factor

Cinematic Titanic continues their indefinite break from studio-produced DVDs with Cinematic Titanic LIVE: The Alien Factor, the follow-up to their debut live DVD, East Meets Watts.

For those new to B-movie riffing, Cinematic Titanic is the successor project of Mystery Science Theater 3000. It features Joel Hodgson, the creator of both shows, and the entire original cast of MST3K: Trace Beaulieu (Crow, Dr. Forrester), J. Elvis Weinstein (Tom Servo, Dr. Erhardt), Frank Conniff (TV’s Frank), and Mary Jo Pehl (Pearl Forrester). As the Cinematic Titanic website states, “the CT crew is reconnecting with MSTies around the world as well as bringing new fans to the comedy art form first introduced by this group 20 years ago on television.” In pursuit of that goal, the Titans (as the cast is called) have toured extensively since the group’s founding in 2007, and released seven studio DVDs:

All of the DVDs are also conveniently available as downloads.

Cinematic Titanic LIVE‘s second outing has a script that brings just as much humour to the screen as East Meets Watts, which Cinematic Titanic says is “quickly becoming the runaway favorite CT ep!”, but The Alien Factor could very well abduct that distinction. The performers have had time to refine their live show since they were last taped, and are therefore noticably more relaxed in their new, less formal format, often straying from the script to improv an extra comment or tease one another. They sometimes get so caught up in the moment, laughing at their fellow riffers’ antics and responding to reactions from the appreciative audience, that they miscue or flub a line, which only adds to the hilarity. The overall result is a more interactive, personal experience that comes close to recreating the casual feel of hanging out with friends to view a cheesy movie while goofing off and eating pizza. It’s clear from their banter that the Titans are close friends who enjoy working together, and their playfulness is infectious, making anyone watching them want to join in the fun. As such, the Cinematic Titanic LIVE DVDs are a perfect gateway to entice fans to the live shows.

Like the first live DVD, The Alien Factor seats the five Titans on either side of the movie screen in roughly the same arrangement as the studio shows, the performers highlighted in individual spotlights instead of just appearing as black silhouettes. In the studio DVDs, it’s sometimes difficult to tell who’s saying what in silhouette, so having everyone in full view throughout the live films is a definite plus, especially as it allows facial expressions and subtler gestures to be seen. This is a novelty for Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans, who only saw the host and two robots riff from shadowy theatre seats at the bottom of the screen, and then only from the shoulders up.

The Alien Factor, a 1978 horror sci-fi that rates 4.0/10 on IMDb, is the sort of film that would have been right at home on MST3K, as it was seemingly made for the express purpose of being riffed on. When a movie opens with the cliché situation of “teenagers in a car at make-out point being attacked by an alien monster”, you know you’re in for an enjoyably predictable ride. Indeed, The Alien Factor quickly runs through the expected checklist of cheesy sci-fi tropes that are so much fun to roast, including rubber-suited aliens, special effects done on a less-than-shoestring budget, and a town populated by half-wits who make it painfully easy for the aliens to pick them off, like shooting fish in a barrel. The real proof of Cinematic Titanic‘s claim to fame as “The Masters of Movie Riffing” is revealed, though, when the female lead stumbles aimlessly through the woods for an interminable length of time, with not a moment of dialogue or plot development in sight, and the Titans still manage to make it entertaining. Their incisive critique transforms this unintentionally funny film into a first-rate comedy.

The production quality of Cinematic Titanic‘s DVDs remains on par with big studio releases, an impressive feat for a small, artist-funded project. They may not have bonus materials on their discs, aside from previews of other Cinematic Titanic titles, but with such an outstanding main feature, padding isn’t really essential. The one improvement Cinematic Titanic could make in future releases is to their menus, which are a bit plain and rough-edged, but unless you’re one of those DVD snobs who isn’t satisfied with anything less than fully animated, singing and dancing menus, that’s just a small quibble with an otherwise excellent DVD.

Cinematic Titanic has even posted the first five minutes of Cinematic Titanic LIVE: The Alien Factor on YouTube, so you can “try before you buy”:

The DVD comes with a photo postcard of the Cinematic Titanic cast, printed “Thanks for Watching!” Our pleasure, Titans! Please keep the live (and studio) DVDs coming.

Order directly through the Cinematic Titanic website.

Cinematic Titanic presents… and Cinematic Titanic LIVE DVDs are distributed by Cinematic Titanic.

Weta News: Avatar podcast and a new Sword!

from Weta:

Exciting times! As many of you know, we are just about to take delivery into our warehouses of the first of our Miniature shields, the Numenorean. They look fantastic and we’re about to start processing pre-orders. This is something we’re really looking forward to, as it’s the first tangible evidence that we have truly returned to Middle-earth and our “collectible roots”.

SPECIAL OFFER! Buy two Dr. Grordbort’s Books and get a Miniature Raygun for US$10!
For a week, we have put together a special package for those who want to acquaint themselves with the wonderful world of Dr. Grordbort’s. When you buy Greg Broadmore’s two beautiful and hysterically funny Dr. Grordbort’s Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory and VICTORY, you get your first collectible Miniature Raygun, the Mini Victorious Mongoose, for US$10 (usually US$49)! And not only that — we throw in four postcards, one of which will be signed by Greg Broadmore. Start your Raygun collection here!

Listen to the Weta Cast Episode XV — Avatar Special
Listen to Richard Taylor and some of the designers and workshop crew talk about Avatar. Also an excerpt from an interview on Fictional Frontiers and LOTS of news! All you need to listen is a pair of headphones or speakers! Listen to it here!

Strider’s Sword now available for order
The second sword in the Master Swordsmith’s Collection of swords from The Lord of the Rings is now open for orders in our shop. It follows Anduril, which sold out in the first week. Three edition numbers are available for new collectors — first come, first served!

Neil Gaiman visits the Weta Cave
Neil Gaiman, the science fiction and fantasy author of short stories, novels, graphic novels and comics came to see us at the Weta Cave last week! It turns out Neil is also a huge Doctor Who fan.

Follow Weta Online! Twitter | Facebook

VIZ Media Launches VIZ Anime, a New Official Web Destination for Some of the Hottest Anime Content

from VIZ Media:

In a significant news announcement, VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, has detailed the launch of VIZ Anime — a brand new, free-to-use interactive web destination that will become a permanent home to some of the company’s best-loved animated series as well as new content which will be added on a weekly basis. VIZ Anime is accessible at: VIZAnime.com.

VIZ Anime kicks off with more than 400 episodes from hit series such as Bleach, Buso Renkin, Death Note (complete series), Hikaru no Go, Honey and Clover, InuYasha (complete series) and InuYasha: The Final Act, Nana, Naruto (complete series) and Naruto: Shippuden as well as The Prince of Tennis. The site will also be the future web home for many other eagerly anticipated anime series set to launch later this year!

Episodes can be streamed for free with new ones being added weekly. A variety of interactive social networking tools and features also help foster an official online home and community for VIZ Media anime fans allowing them to connect on and discuss favorite shows, and offer ratings and opinions of various episodes. New functionalities will be added regularly.

  • Users can “follow” as many series as they like and choose to be notified each time a new episode is released, as well as keep track of the last episode they’ve watched. This makes it easy to stay current on series like InuYasha or Naruto, which feature more than 100 episodes.
  • Users can comment on individual episodes and also meet and interact with other fans, invite friends to join, ask questions and debate plot twists and characters, voice their opinion on what’s happening in a particular series, and also find out what else is going on across the anime and manga spectrums.
  • Users can rate their favorite episodes by using a “Like” button on each episode page. They can quickly access a list of all the episodes they’ve similarly liked to compare how other users have liked an episode.
  • Users can make a personalized profile page to keep track of the episodes they’ve watched and enjoyed, the series they’re currently following, and comments they’ve made. Mail tools can also be used to send private messages between individual users. Privacy controls let users decide what information is shared publicly and who is able to send them messages.

“We’re committed to developing VIZ Anime as a premiere online destination, and hope to offer a real community for VIZ Media fans to interact with each other and share their love of anime,” says Ken Sasaki, Senior Vice President & General Manager of VIZ Media. “We will also utilize the site as a means of two-way communication to better understand what our fans enjoy most and want, and how they engage with anime and manga online. With a lot of content to select from, VIZ Anime will become a favorite site to visit again and again!”

For more information on VIZ Media or VIZ Anime, please visit VIZAnime.com.

“Dawn of the Dreadfuls” Book Trailer

from Quirk Books:

First there was the Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters trailer.
Now, we at Quirk Books would like to give you even more Regency-era drama, delivered with some intense martial arts and brilliant brain-eating action.

a Book Trailer by Dirty Robber,
based on the novel Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith,
starring Anabella Casanova, Cameron Cash, Martin Roe,
and several thousand gallons of blood.

Irreference TV on YouTube

Get the first chapter of Dawn of the Dreadfuls free for your e-reader.

J!NX: The World of Warcraft Spring ’10 Line is Here!

from J!NX:

The World of Warcraft Spring ’10 Line Launched!
The Gods have smiled on all you WoW-heads out there, for they have bestowed upon the world the most honored and coveted of gifts: fresh content! We’ve got a slew of new designs, some you may recognize as they were previously available only at Hot Topic Stores. Now we have released them from their mall-bound prison to run free over the Plains of the Barrens. Oh, and we threw in brand new StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3 designs, just because we can. Taz’dingo!

Wanna See J!NX in Your Town?
If you’d like to buy J!NX apparel from your local peddler of wares, tell them to contact us. The next time you visit your preferred clothing/gaming/comic/card shop, march right up to the person who seems to be in charge and tell them that they should be carrying J!NX. If they look at you funny, just tell them to email us at wholesale@jinx.com for more details. While you’re at it, let us know who you talked to and we can bug them.

15% off all products for orders $25 or more
Use Promotion Code: GUDTIMEZ
This offer expires Friday, March 19, 2010 at Midnight EST, so don’t wait!

“Doctor Who” Fashion Line from AbbyShot Clothiers

AbbyShot Clothiers’s officially licensed, screen accurate, and limited edition Tenth Doctor’s Coat and Martha Jones Companion Jacket from Doctor Who are apparel fit for a Time Lord. While the majority of replica clothing only vaguely resembles the costume it was inspired by, AbbyShot’s recreations look like originals sneaked directly off production sets.

Tenth Doctor's Coat, Image 1

Q&A with AbbyShot Clothiers:

ÜberSciFiGeek (ÜSFG) What led AbbyShot to choose Doctor Who, a British series, for its newest line of sci-fi inspired clothing?

Tenth Doctor's Coat, Image 2

AbbyShot Clothiers (AC) First and foremost — the fans. Everything at AbbyShot begins with fan suggestions, as it has from day one when we were making our first Matrix-style coat. AbbyShot is known globally as the creator of high quality sci-fi inspired clothing, so not long after David Tennant’s first Christmas Special as the Tenth Doctor in 2005 Doctor Who fans were quick to put his costume on our radar. Then we became huge fans of Doctor Who ourselves soon after.

Over the past several years, there has really been something magical happening with Doctor Who — the buzz has been building and the interest for this show and this protagonist is the highest it’s ever been. David Tennant played a very human and relatable, yet still insanely fun-to-watch, Doctor, and the BBC got the show out to more and more people every year. Let’s just say that our email Inbox was filling up with fans wanting us to create an AbbyShot “real-life” version of the Tenth Doctor’s Coat!

We always listen to the fans so we carefully evaluated the idea and decided to take on this exciting new project. We also attended a Licensing Show in New York City where we met up with representatives from the BBC and from those initial meetings came a new Licensing Agreement for a whole new breed of Doctor Who collectibles — wearable replica clothing.

The Tenth Doctor’s Coat as well was very appealing to our team right from the start — it’s such a classic cut and style for a man’s overcoat, with a back vent and box pleat that make it very distinctive. Add in the deep blue lining and the orange trim on the inside pockets and THAT’S when you realize — this is no average coat, this is Doctor Who!

What makes AbbyShot different from most replica companies is that our products stand up to the test of time. Our products are ones which you can wear every day for years to come. And while they are hits at conventions, they are not simply costumes. We take great pride in our attention to detail, and we never forget that our coats are first and foremost pieces of apparel which people wear in their everyday lives. Both the Tenth Doctor’s coat and the Martha Jones jacket are just that… jackets that were worn by their characters time and time again… It seemed like a natural extension of that for which we stand.

Tenth Doctor's Coat, Image 3

(ÜSFG) With David Tennant recently stepping down from his popular reign on the series, it does make perfect sense why his signature overcoat was selected to launch AbbyShot’s Doctor Who line. Will the Tenth Doctor’s Coat be followed by apparel specific to previous incarnations of the Time Lord, such as the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker)’s iconic scarf?

(AC) Iconic is really the keyword here — a quick scan through the catalogue on the AbbyShot site will tell you that we only take on the most iconic characters and their clothing designs. Like you said, David Tennant stepped down from the role of the Doctor at the peak of his popularity and his costume was one of the most recognizable as well (with designer Louise Page stating recently that it was the costume she was most proud of designing). So the Tenth Doctor’s Coat was indeed the obvious flagship to launch our line, but it doesn’t stop there.

This BBC license opens up a world of opportunities as so much interesting apparel has been seen on Doctor Who over the decades — over 40 years worth of material! We don’t want to say too much at this point, but we can say that the wardrobe of previous Doctors would be obvious sources of inspirations (who can forget the Sixth Doctor’s multicoloured coat, or the Seventh Doctor’s question-mark-laden jumper?). However, we’re not ruling out some fan-favourite Doctor Who guest stars either!

We’re always open to suggestions as well and invite Doctor Who fans to email us through our “Suggestions Page” with any wonderful and inspired ideas.

Tenth Doctor's Coat, Image 4

Tenth Doctor's Coat, Image 5

(ÜSFG) The Tenth Doctor had three main companions: Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Donna Noble. Why was Martha Jones, and her red leather jacket, picked to represent the Doctor’s companions? Will Rose Tyler and Donna Noble, or companions of the past Doctors, like Sarah Jane Smith, also receive the AbbyShot treatment?

(AC) Again, it comes down to the “iconic” factor — Martha Jones wore her striking red leather jacket for the majority of Series 3 and it really became a signature part of her look. All the women on our Design Team love the design as well, it goes beyond a “cool Doctor Who replica” and is truly a beautiful leather jacket that women not familiar with Martha Jones still want to wear!

For some AbbyShot coats and jackets the fans tell us that wearing them is like being a member of a secret society. The Martha Jones Companion Jacket is one of those jackets where you really do hide your fandom in plain sight! You walk down the street and 90% of people think you’re simply wearing a cool leather jacket. However, those 10% that DO recognize the source material — they will look at you like you’re a goddess! Be warned.

As for other Companions, we’re absolutely leaving the door open for other opportunities there as well. Once again — if there’s a coat or jacket you absolutely MUST have then please visit our Suggestions Page and let us know.

Tenth Doctor's Coat, Image 6

(ÜSFG) Will AbbyShot be producing replica jewelry and accessories, such as the Master’s ring, to accompany the Doctor Who clothing line?

(AC) Interesting question! Our strength here at AbbyShot is in clothing design so while we may create accessories in the future we most likely wouldn’t stray too far from the apparel category. There are also some other talented BBC licensees making Doctor Who prop replicas already so jewelry would most likely fall under another company’s core strength.

AbbyShot is the ultimate source for science-fiction replica clothing and we’ll keep building on that strength into the future.

Tenth Doctor's Coat, Image 7

Tenth Doctor's Coat, Image 8

(ÜSFG) Fans of Doctor Who will always have their “favourite Doctor”, so who do the designers cite as their favourite?

(AC) Our favourite Doctor — that is a tough one but we would have to say David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor. And we’re not just saying that because we make his coat replica! He’s molto bene, what else can we say?

All the same, we can’t wait to see what Matt Smith will do with the role under Stephen Moffat’s more-than-capable hands (I mean, the man wrote one of our favourite Doctor Who episodes of all time, “Blink”!). We’re at the beginning of an exciting new era of Doctor Who and AbbyShot Clothiers is so proud to be a part of it.

Thanks so much for the great questions, it’s been a pleasure.

Tenth Doctor's Coat, Image 9

(ÜSFG) Thank you, AbbyShot, for your brilliant answers and the exclusive photos! Now, off to watch some Doctor Who… Allons-y!

Order directly through the AbbyShot Clothiers website.

(Firefly/Serenity fans, be sure to also check out AbbyShot’s Malcolm Reynolds Browncoat at Are You a Real Browncoat?)

The Tenth Doctor’s Coat and Martha Jones Companion Jacket are distributed by AbbyShot Clothiers. For more information on AbbyShot’s Doctor Who replica clothing, visit the Are You a Real Time Lord? website. AbbyShot Clothiers may also be followed on Facebook and Twitter.

I, Zombie

from Things from Another World:

Do you have an extra dollar $0.80 to spare and want to try out a new comic book series? We suggest you check out I, Zombie. Gwen Dylan is a gravedigger in an eco-friendly cemetery… and a zombie detective. Once a month, she has to eat a human brain — both to keep from going all “Night of the Living Dead,” and to keep her own memories intact.

As a result, Gwen’s mind is crowded with the dead person’s thoughts. And lately, she feels compelled to fulfill their final requests. Torn between a mysterious mummy and a dashing young monster-hunter, Gwen is set for adventures beyond imagination!

A were-terrier, a swinging ’60s ghost and a pack of paintball-blasting vampires complete the cast of I, Zombie. Written by World Fantasy Award finalist Chris Roberson (Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love) with art by Eisner Award-winning superstar artist Michael Allred (X-Statix, Madman), I, Zombie is a monster of a tale with razor-sharp prose and powerful pop artistry.

Sounds cool, right?

Order the First Issue of I, Zombie Today for Just $0.80!

ThinkGeek resurrects the T-Shirt Grab Bag

from ThinkGeek:

We’re baaaack!

Last week, the entire ThinkGeek staff braved the sunrise for an early morning flight, shambled to the island of Puerto Rico, made nefarious global domination plans, slathered ourselves in SPF 90 (and still got burned), imbibed many a local beverage, horked down our weight in pork (and that’s a lot of pork!), saw the Arecibo Radio Telescope (but sadly, did not contact aliens), and even relaxed in a hot tub with an iguana.

All that, and we STILL prepared an amazing deal for you loyal minions. Feast on the t-shirt grab bag, nerds!

Return of the ThinkGeek Grab Bag (of Holding)!
Reach in and pull out a random new shirt for as low as $5.99. Try your (+3) luck while supplies last!

Find more What’s New items at ThinkGeek!

News that Squishes!

from Squishable:

Hello Folks!

If you were dipping strawberries in some melted news, you wouldn’t want it to be greasy, grainy news! No! You’d want that accompaniment to be delicious, chocolately, Squishy News! And here it is!

New Understudies! We’ve got some!

Eco Harp Seal Understudy — Basically we were gonna have a riot on our hands if we didn’t find a seal somewhere. Riots are bad! Snuggling is good! Here he is, made of eco-friendly fabric and joy!

Really Big Walrus Understudy — He’s really big! Not giant, but still large enough for a fuzzy, squishy body pillow, or to pretend you have an extra person in your car for the carpool lane. Incidentally, don’t use your walrus to fake your way into the carpool lane.

Squishable Turtle Coupon! — What’s more nifty than a Sea Turtle? A Sea Turtle in love! To honor the start of Sea Turtle nesting season here’s a coupon for 25% off a Squishable Tortoise (not a Turtle but close). Just enter the coupon code GOTORTOISEGO at checkout, good until Sunday the 14th at 11:59 PM EST. Reproduce, Sea Turtles! We’re rooting for you! (Excludes shipping. No cash value. Yadda. Yadda. Yadda.)

Many many thanks to everyone who sent in a picture to support Doctors Without Borders! Goodness do you guys kick rear — well done! And from now until the end of April, for every picture of you and your Squishy we receive we’ll send a dollar to Dress for Success to help prepare low-income women for economic empowerment (up to $250)! Send ’em to HugMe@squishable.com. The world needs more empowered ladies, folks! Send a squishy pic!

Spring holidays: Easter/Passover/Solstice/Fertility ritual! Basically, if your Spring celebration has bunnies or ducks involved, here are the dates you need to know about!

For delivery by April 2nd:
Continental US:
Standard Shipping — Order by March 24, 2010 at 3 pm EST!
Third Business Day Shipping — Order by March 29, 2010 at 3 pm EST!
Second Business Day Shipping — Order by March 30, 2010 at 3 pm EST!
Next Business Day Shipping — Order by March 31, 2010 at 3 pm EST!

Alaska, Hawaii, Canada and (other) International Orders:
Orders are not guaranteed, but we strong recommend ordering by March 15th for the best shot at delivery!

APO/FPO Orders:
Order delivery isn’t guaranteed, sorry! Order ASAP for the best chance!

Thanks folks!

Zoe and Aaron

VIZ Media Debuts “Dorohedoro”, a Battle Between Diabolical Sorcerers and the Monsters They Created

from VIZ Media:

VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, will publish manga creator Q Hayashida’s gritty urban sci-fi/horror series Dorohedoro on March 16th. The new series under the company’s VIZ Signature imprint, is rated “M” for Mature Audiences and will carry an MSRP of $12.99 U.S. / $16.99 CAN.

In a city so dismal it’s known only as “the Hole,” an underground group of Sorcerers have been abducting people off the streets to use as guinea pigs for atrocious “experiments” in the black arts. In a dark alley, Nikaido found Caiman, a mutant man with a reptile head and a bad case of amnesia. To undo the spell, Nikaido and Caiman hunt and kill the Sorcerers in the Hole, hoping that eventually they’ll kill the right one. But when En, the head Sorcerer, gets word of a lizard-man slaughtering his people, he sends a crew of “cleaners” into the Hole, igniting a war between two worlds.

Dorohedoro blends bloody mutant action with the classic horror elements — zombies, demons, and ghosts — and an intricate postapocalyptic urban setting,” says Leyla Aker, Editorial Manager, VIZ Media. “At the same time, the characters are likable, the dialogue’s funny, and I think readers will be surprised by its charm.

Manga creator Q Hayashida is known for her bold art style and the way she seamlessly integrates alternate universes into her stories. Hayashida made her manga debut with Maken X Another, which ran in Magazine Z in Japan and was subsequently adapted into a video game. She followed with a sequel, Maken X Another Jack. Dorohedoro is her latest creation and is serialized in Shogakukan’s manga magazine IKKI and also featured on SigIKKI.com, the publication’s innovative online joint venture with VIZ Media.

For more information on SIGIKKI, please visit SigIKKI.com.

For more information on this title, or others from VIZ Media, please visit viz.com.

“Black Magic Sanction” by Kim Harrison

Black Magic Sanction

I read a lot of fantasy and urban mythology novels but not a large amount of vampire or supernatural fiction, mainly because most of the ones I’ve started to read turned out to be romance novels, something I’m not a fan of. Yes, I read the Twilight books at the request of my teenagers, and the one-off vampire and other supernatural books I heard good things about here and there, but in general I’m not a supernatural junkie. That being said, I think I’ve finally found a supernatural series that doesn’t fall into the romance or tween categories.

EOS Books (a division of HarperCollins) just released Black Magic Sanction, the newest book in The Hollows series from best-selling author Kim Harrison. The series is kind of a mixed-genre fantasy with a healthy balance of urban mythology (think Neil Gaiman and Charles de Lint), supernatural adventure (vampires, witches, demons and a host of otherwordly fairy folk) and revisionist history wrapped up in a classic detective/mystery novel style.

Rachel is a bit of a jack of all trades: a detective, a bounty hunter and a witch (who’s recently discovered some unsettling information about her heritage). Her business is to track down vampires, werewolves, banshees, demons and other supernatural creatures who’ve found themselves on the wrong side of the law. In her world, so very close to our own, these creatures are not only real but are part of mainstream society. During an event called “The Turn”, a virus devastated the human population and the supernaturals (or Inderlanders as they call themselves) decided to reveal themselves because they were no longer outnumbered by the humans. The government system collapsed and was replaced by two organizations: the Inderlander Security service (run by non-humans) and the Federal Inderlander Bureau (run by humans).

Rachel lives in the Hollows (the Inderlander side of Cincinnati) in an old Gothic Church with a living vampire named Ivy (there are two kinds of living vampires: the low blood — humans who’ve been infected by the traditional undead vampires, inheriting some of the qualities of a vampire but not the benefit of immortality at death; and high blood — those who were born infected with the virus and will thus rise again as an undead vampire when their mortal body dies. Ivy is the latter, a high blood vampire and last of her family to still be living) and a pixy named Jenks. They are her associates and surrogate family, assisting her in her cases and sharing her life.

Due to events in a previous book, which aren’t completely explained in Black Magic Sanction, Rachel has now been shunned by the Coven (the governing body of witches) for using black magic (something she detests), and turned from the hunter into the hunted. She finds herself kidnapped and imprisoned, facing a pretty grim fate. Fortunately, her friends are there for her and she escapes, setting off a chain of chaotic events where you can’t help but feel sorry for her as she gets battered and bruised, used and abused, while trying to free herself once and for all from the grip of the Coven and various adversaries from her past. As the story unfolds, you learn more about the history of the Inderlanders and how Rachel has now found herself on the wrong side of their law.

There is a huge cast of characters and creatures in the books, far too many to examine them all, but a few in particular play a large role in Rachel’s life:

Ivy embodies the familiar vampyric struggle between dark desires and trying to live a “normal” life. She has a deep affection and close relationship with Rachel, a tender and sweet friendship that anyone would be lucky to have. There is some reference to Ivy biting Rachel at some point in the past, the end result of which is a supernatural bond, a lasting longing and sensual tension between them that has remained unacted upon. I say sensual not sexual because the relationship is a very close friendship where the love they feel for each other is so strong that it seems the lines sometimes get blurred, rather then the typical overtly sexual flirtation often seen in close same-sex friendships in popular media.

The pixy Jenks is the comic relief of the story. He, his wife and a multitude of their children live beneath a tree stump in the churchyard where Rachel lives. Just reading his dialog makes me think of Darby O’Gill and other “drunken Irishmen” from various books and film. He’s a sly fox, smart-mouthed and spunky. He loves defiling the famous Disney pixie Tinkerbell by using her name as his favorite curse word (he randomly peppers his conversations with exclamations such as “Tink’s Titties” and other filthier variations). He and the other pixies shed multi-colored dust, the color changing along with their mood, and are all feisty creatures breaking away from pixie tradition not only by closely associating with a human but by staying together as a family rather than separating much the same way birds and other creatures do after leaving the nest.

Algaliarept (Al) is kind of the Leo Getz of the Ever-After, the magical plane that exists between and beyond normal existence. Typically, it’s where demons reside (the witches fled to our plane of existence some 5,000 years ago and a war between the demons and elves resulted in the elves being ousted approximately 2,000 years ago) and can only be reached by tapping into lines of energy that are threaded throughout all levels of reality. Al is a wheeler and dealer, taking every opportunity to acquire “familiars” that he quickly sells or trades off in exchange for regaining his status and belongings, both lost when he hides a very important fact about Rachel from the rest of the demon community. Sometimes her enemy, sometimes her mentor, Al and Rachel have a very dangerous and volatile relationship. He’s almost as much her captor as she is his at times.

Gordian Pierce was a ghost for nearly 200 years. He encountered Rachel when she was a teen and became infatuated with her. After years of haunting her and trying to get her attention, by Black Magic Sanction he has gained a body and life again. While he actively pursues a romantic relationship with her, she is highly distrustful of him and his motivations, which she suspects are less than sincere. She’s had a string of bad relationships and has a habit of making bad choices, something she doesn’t intend to do again with Pierce. Having become a virtual slave to Al, Pierce has been placed as a guardian over Rachel to help protect her from the Coven as they seek to capture and neutralize her, one way or the other. He speaks with a dialect of the 1800’s and often says things wrong when trying to use modern vernacular. He feels far too comfortable with casually using black magic when he sees the need, something that disturbs Rachel to no end as she struggles to prove to herself and everyone else that she is NOT a bad witch.

Trenton Kalamack is kind of like the Godfather of Elves. Masquerading as a human, he lives a dual life as a politician on City Council while running illegal operations in the human and Hollows criminal undergrounds. An ongoing protagonist, he’s known Rachel since they were children and they are enemies, due in large part to the fact that while she was trying to expose his crimes and bring him to justice, she managed to lay claim on him as her familiar, though she has not yet enforced that claim.

I haven’t read the other books in the series so wasn’t sure what to expect. I usually find it hard to follow or get emotionally invested in the characters when I start a book in the middle of the series, but was pleasantly surprised that this wasn’t the case with Black Magic Sanction. While there are many references to events and characters in the earlier books in the series, with little explanation, I didn’t feel completely lost. Instead of feeling like a confused outsider, I found myself just carried along with Rachel as her life careens out of control. Black Magic Sanction is a fast-paced, action-packed supernatural adventure with unexpected twists and turns. I can usually figure out the general plot of a book and what direction it is going in, but, with this one, I really didn’t have a clue how things were going to turn out.

If you are a fan of supernatural books, you’ll love Black Magic Sanction. The characters are interesting and each has their own quirky characteristics providing some real depth to them, fleshing them out from the stereotyped, two-dimensional cast of characters that overpopulate popular fiction. It’s these characters and well-developed relationships that make me want to track down the rest of the books in this series and start over from the beginning.

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