The Twinkies Cookbook

Twinkies, long a staple in the geek food pyramid, have remained essentially unchanged by their makers since their creation, so Hostess thought it would be fun to officially showcase the people who have been getting creative and playing with their food, in The Twinkies Cookbook: An Inventive and Unexpected Recipe Collection:

“As part of Twinkies’ seventy-fifth anniversary celebration [in 2005], Hostess put out a call for recipes, asking people to share their ideas for cooking — yes, cooking — with Twinkies. Hundreds of people from across the country responded with an amazing bunch of inventive, homegrown, and sometimes wacky recipes. Nearly fifty of these unexpected creations — both sweet and savory! — are presented in this nostalgic and colorful collection. A delight for the whole family, The Twinkies Cookbook is the perfect snack for the Twinkie lover in all of us.”

The cookbook’s introduction, Twinkies: History of a Sweet Sensation, tells the story of the Twinkie’s origins, and includes interesting quotes, trivia, and archival pictures. There are nine chapters of recipes and full-color pictures that follow: Novelty Twinkies, Twinkies for Chocolate Lovers, Fruity Twinkies, Twinkies Take the Cake, Twinkies à la Mode, Twinkie Drinks, Twinkie Stack-Ups, Gourmet Twinkies, and Twinkies and Meat. The recipes range from those simple enough for children to make, to a few time-consuming productions requiring special equipment and considerable experience in the kitchen.

As a bonus for pop culture fans, this book also clears up the much-debated urban legend that Twinkies have an indefinite shelf life. (Spoiler: The golden snack cake’s real lifespan is 25 days.)

Order now at
The Twinkies Cookbook: An Inventive and Unexpected Recipe Collection

The Twinkies Cookbook: An Inventive and Unexpected Recipe Collection is distributed by Ten Speed Press (US and Canada). For more recipes and information, visit

J.J. Abrams’ Fringe is No X-Files (But in a Good Way)

Every time a new show launches, we try to find ways to describe it within the framework of shows we already know. With Fringe there were lots of reviews comparing it to The X-Files because of the unexplained cases and underlying conspiracy theory (referred to as “The Pattern”). Hopefully X-Philes (X-Files devotees) who tune in for Fringe won’t be too disappointed that the similarities end there… at least for now. It’s more of a character-driven crime drama along the lines of Crossing Jordan than a paranormal thriller. As far as conspiracies go, they are keeping us guessing. Who should she trust? Who’s good, who’s evil? Who’s involved? Under these circumstances, who is “truthful” would be a very wrong question to ask. The very nature of their work requires deception.

While it’s hard to define Agent Olivia Dunham (played by Australian actress Anna Torv), I can very clearly say she is no Agent Scully. We see a lack of Scully-ish skepticism in the first episode when longtime mad scientist and mental hospital patient Dr. Walter Bishop (John Noble) suggests some drug-induced experimental procedure and she dives at the chance to take it (no pun intended; okay, well, maybe a little). Olivia is likeable, competent, smart, quick, and lacking the dark past normally built into a lead — at least, it appears that way. Her demons are introduced to us after we meet her, thus getting us, as viewers, invested in her finding resolutions.

The “Mad Scientist” Walter is immensely entertaining. Every time he speaks I see Vincent Price cast as H. G. Well’s Dr. Moreau, cutting and splicing together flesh to create his visions of a new world, operating with a different moral compass than the rest of us. He’s horrifying and fascinating in a Hannibal Lecter kind of way, and the moment you laugh at something he says, you catch yourself, conflicted over whether or not you should allow yourself to like him. He’s a bad man, right?

As he unwillingly babysits his father, Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson) reminds me of Charlie Babbit from Rain Man with a dash of Will Zimmerman from the Web series Sanctuary. Mystery surrounds him just as surely as trouble does. This genius is seething with angst, sarcasm, and cynicism, all perhaps formed by the knowledge from childhood that his father was a monster. Now he’s learning just what kind of a monster his father truly is. Is it better or worse than he dreamed?

There is a great supporting cast of characters (Agents Astrid Farnsworth and Phillip Broyles, Nina Sharp, and John Scott) but above all, I must confess that I love Agent Charlie Francis (Kirk Acevedo)! I have always enjoyed deadpan humor and he delivers such an understated performance that every time he speaks, I like him even more. He’s a gem and I hope we see more of him. He seems to be the only person in Olivia’s life who is who he is with no illusions or deceptions.

Fringe is better then I expected. I usually only give a new show two episodes to win me over, but I made up my mind by the end of the first episode that this is going to stay on my short list of new shows to watch. J.J. Abrams has delivered a layered and intriguing world to us (giving me hope that the new Star Trek movie will be one of the best). It is very well done and has tried to establish a unique visual appearance, which I believe it succeeds in. It’s definitely a visual feast, from the sets and backgrounds to visual emotional responses on the characters’ faces. The story is well-written with a nice balance of suspense and humor, without going overboard. They have laid the foundation for what could be a successful long-running show. The performances are even keel, and tuning in for the first episode felt more like tuning in later in the season. With many shows, the actors are still feeling out who their characters are for much of the first season, but this cast seemed to wear their characters like a favorite old shirt.

On a personal note, it was nice to finally understand why, at San Diego Comic-Con, on our way to see the X-Files movie downtown, we were handed sneak peak tickets by a group of people minding a herd of cattle in a parking lot. If we hadn’t already bought tickets online, we would have been whisked off to a secret location to see the sneak peek premiere of Fringe. Honestly, I think we all would have enjoyed it more.


Charlotte Usher, the titular “ghostgirl” in the book ghostgirl, walks through life feeling like she’s invisible. She yearns to be one of the popular girls in high school and win the heart of the boy of her dreams, but she can’t even manage to get noticed.

Sound familiar? If you grew up a geek, it does. Being a ghost is the perfect metaphor for the status of those who cling to the fringe of society, looking in but not fitting in.

Charlotte, the poster girl for not fitting in, seems on the verge of finally attaining the popularity she obsesses over when she’s assigned to be the Physics tutor for the school’s star athlete, and her crush, Damen Dylan…  but promptly chokes on a gummy bear and dies. Death doesn’t deter Charlotte from her quest, though, so with the help of Goth girl Scarlet, a fellow outcast and the only live person who can see Charlotte, she sets out to achieve in the afterlife what she couldn’t while still alive. Along the way, both girls learn to accept, and find acceptance for, who they really are and where they belong, popular or not.

The book itself is a work of art, its tall and narrow trim size reflecting the shape of a coffin and featuring a coffin die-cut with stamped acetate inlay on the black, silver, and pink hardcover. The cover’s colour scheme is continued throughout the book in the silhouette illustrations at the beginning of each chapter, the flowery designs in the margins, and the silver gilt applied to the page edges. Beneath each chapter illustration is a plot-relevant quote, usually in the form of song lyrics, that emphasizes the novel’s frequent use of music and pop culture references.

ghostgirl originated as a Web project in 2002, so fans can extend the book’s experience by visiting the beautifully designed There’s lots to explore while waiting for the next book in the series, ghostgirl: Homecoming (July 2009), including a MySpace page for main character Charlotte Usher.

Recommended Reading Level: Young Adult (12+) for mild sexual content, Goth Chic-style violence, and occasional adult language.

Order now at

ghostgirl is distributed by Little, Brown and Company, an imprint of Hachette Book Group USA, and Headline Publishing (UK). For more information on the book and its author, visit and the website of Tonya Hurley.

Evil League of Evil Seeking New Evil

The Evil League of Evil from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog has posted an invitation on its revamped website:

Seeking New Evil

The rumblings you’ve been hearing in the criminal underground since July indeed are true: At long last, we are seeking new applicants to the League.1

Aspirants to new heights of Evil should submit a video application that meets the terms below.

  • It should be no more than three minutes in length.
  • There should be little to no swearing.2
  • Dialogue, logos, and music must be original.3
  • Songs are not required (singing is a bonus).
  • You must be evil — it’s a plus to have a name.
  • Your video application should be posted to YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Email us a link to the video, with your contact information.4
  • October 11 is the last day to submit.

The best applicants, as determined by the League or its designated agents, will be included on a special DVD commemorating our most recent member.

Evil Enough? Click Here

Make the bad horse gleeful, or he’ll make you his mare.

  1. Henchmen need not apply. Please contact your union.
  2. Evil can be something of a family affair.
  3. We’re evil, not stupid.
  4. Finalists may be contacted by the League or its agents.

Yes, this is the real site. Signs First Look Deal with Content Creator Sandeep Parikh

PRNewswire — Viacom (NYSE: VIA and VIA.B) MTVN Entertainment Group’s, a digital comedy network and Comedy Central’s exclusive partner and anchor brand for original digital comedy content, announced today that it has signed writer-director Sandeep Parikh to an exclusive first look production commitment. The deal follows the success of Parikh’s The Legend of Neil series (, which has generated 700,000 plays since debuting on in August and reached over 400,000 more viewers when it made its television debut on Atom TV on Comedy Central on September 15.

The production deal gives Atom the first option on new digital content ideas from Parikh and it has committed in advance to developing two of them to pilot stage. In addition, Atom and Parikh are in discussions on future seasons of The Legend of Neil, building on the adventures of a guy who gets sucked into The Legend of Zelda after a night of heavy drinking and game playing and must fight his way out or risk perishing in the magical world. The series was a hit among gamers, who also know Parikh from his work as an actor in Felicia Day’s The Guild, a popular web series set in the world of massively multiplayer online games.

“Working with Megan and the team has been an absolute blast,” said Parikh. “I couldn’t be more excited about the success of The Legend of Neil and the new deal we’ve struck.”

“Sandeep’s funny and inventive first season of The Legend of Neil has resonated with the Atom audience online, on Atom TV and on all of our platforms,” said Atom’s VP of Development and Acquisitions, Megan O’Neill. “He really understands the Web and we are thrilled to be creating more content with him.”

The digital comedy network extends far beyond the Web site, reaching almost every screen that plays video. Elsewhere on the Internet, Atom channels are featured on iTunes (which is currently selling the complete first season of The Legend of Neil), AOL, AT&T, Bebo, Dailymotion, Veoh, xBox Live, and Parikh’s own site. On television, the weekly Atom TV series (TV-MA) features original Atom comedy videos and top user videos on Comedy Central every Monday night at 2:00 a.m. On mobile phones, Atom has prominent channels on Verizon Wireless’ V CAST as well as AT&T’s CV and AllTel., a division of Viacom Inc.’s (NYSE: VIA and VIA.B) MTV Networks, is a digital comedy network for young men that reaches millions of consumers each month on the Web site and millions more through multiplatform distribution on television, mobile phones, and the Internet. Drawing on a strategic partnership with Comedy Central and its own 10-year history of online video innovation and leadership (formerly as AtomFilms), delivers Web comedy like nobody else.

SOURCE MTVN Entertainment Group

The I Can Has Cheezburger? Book is Coming Soon! Available for Presale Nao!

from I Can Has Cheezburger?:

The burger team is excited to announce our NAWT SECOND (#1) Book, I Can Has Cheezburger? A Lolcat Colleckshun. On stands October 7th, and available for pre-sale nao at these fine establishments!

Your local indie book store (find one nearby!)

Iz a portable collekshun of pix, wif 5 grammar lessons from Professor Happycat!

200!!! PIX! Some favorites, many new and never seen pix personally chosen out of bajillions by cheez and tofu. Use it to confuse grandma and give you lols and make your day infinity times better!

Quick facts:

  • full of awsum and kittehs
  • shape is square
  • release date October 7th
  • not edible (sorry!)
  • portable dose of lulz
  • lots of cute drawings…


If you made it to the bottom of this post… we made a special website for this book…

Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show: Season 2

from Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show:

Season 2 of Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show is now available! Come join in Kiko’s Global Housewarming party at

This season features new guests Alan Tudyk (Firefly) and Wallace Langham (CSI) and our old friends Unicow, Panda, Go-Go Girl, and Rick “Lick Poop” Pope. Kiko even has gorgeous and not-so-tiny new digs!

To be notified of all new GTCMS episodes as they premiere, go to the C-Spot channel on YouTube and subscribe to our playlist… or you can even subscribe to C-Spot itself and see us along with their other productions. It’s a win-win situation: fresh new video for you, and great relations with Sony for us (which could lead to even MORE fresh new video for you!)

In related news, if you haven’t seen Unicow’s latest stolen installment of Lick Poop’s Vlog, check out

Last, but not least, if you were away over the summer, you may have missed all the action on Kiko’s doorstep. Take a peek at:

The Guild: Season 2 is Shooting

from The Guild:

We are now officially shooting Season 2 of The Guild, yay! We also worked VERY hard to have a new website up and it’s now done!! is live and beautifully laid out thanks to Woo Themes WordPress skins and ninja work by Kirstin and webmaster Edgar Garcia.

ALSO we have a social network attached to the show, now under the “community” tab! Blog, upload pictures, chat live, forums etc. We are working on building it out but it’s fun now, create a profile and link up with other Guild fans! What do you have to lose?
Thanks for your continued support, we’re so excited about this next season!

Felicia & The Guild Management

Peter S. Beagle Needs Our Help

from Conlan Press:

A Call to Action in Support of Peter S. Beagle, Author of The Last Unicorn

Q: I’ve heard that Peter S. Beagle hasn’t been paid anything from sales of The Last Unicorn on DVD or videotape. True or false?
A: Sadly true. Since 1999, London-based Granada Media has sold more than 1.2 million DVDs and half a million videotapes of The Last Unicorn through various distributors around the world. They have also made cable and satellite deals in several different countries. Despite this success they have paid Peter absolutely nothing, claiming that the film has never made a profit. Peter and his attorney have been fighting with Granada over this since September 2003, and there is still no end in sight. At this time, the only Last Unicorn DVDs making money for Peter are the ones sold through Conlan Press — he gets more than half the income from those.

Q: I’ve also heard that he got cheated on his screenplay for the 1978 animated version of The Lord of the Rings. True or false?
A: True. Peter was brought in as a consultant to tell producer Saul Zaentz and director Ralph Bakshi how to fix the unusable screenplay they’d already spent $50,000 on. To get Peter to write a replacement screenplay for free as part of his original $5,000 consulting fee, Saul Zaentz promised to pay Peter more than his usual screenplay rate for Part 2 of the project, and to hire him to write other films as well. None of that ever happened, though… and, in fact, Peter had to threaten to sue just to get the second half of that meager $5,000! Since then he has gotten nothing — while Saul Zaentz has gone on to earn nearly half a billion dollars from rights related to his ownership of the animated film. (That’s right: billion with a B.)

Q: Is there any way that I can help?
A: Yes. You can read the facts posted at, then go spread the word. You can join the more than 1,100 Peter S. Beagle fans who have posted their names and support messages at You can write complaint letters and faxes to Saul Zaentz Productions, Granada Media, and movie industry magazines like Variety and The Hollywood Reporter. You can donate directly to Peter’s legal support fund at And finally you can buy Beagle books and related products through Conlan Press, where Peter gets more than half the income from each sale (a lot of which he uses to support the battle for his rights).

Q: What’s happening with the live-action film version of The Last Unicorn?
A: Since 1999 the live-action remake rights have been controlled by Continent Films, a small company in London. Continent has never raised significant development or production funds, and most of what they have announced via their website over the years has been false or wildly exaggerated. Nevertheless, they do control the live-action remake rights until at least 2015. Peter does not back their efforts — especially after reading what they did without permission to his screenplay — and is, in fact, actively trying to get them to sell their rights to some studio or producer capable of doing a good job.

Q: How can I keep current on these things and other Beagle-related news?
A: Simple! Sign up for Peter’s free email newsletter, The Raven. In addition to all the Beagle info that’s ready to report, nearly every issue has some little extra something by Peter (essays, poetry, song lyrics, what have you) that he wants to share directly with his fans. To get The Raven, sign up at either or Or else you can just send a sign-up request in by email to

Personally Signed Beagle Items Available from Conlan Press

  • A Fine and Private Place (novel: Tachyon trade paperback, Conlan Press downloadable audiobook)
  • The Last Unicorn (animated film: 25th Anniversary edition widescreen DVD)
  • The Last Unicorn (novel: Roc/B&N deluxe edition hardcover, Roc 40th Anniversary trade paperback, Conlan Press downloadable audiobook)
  • Art prints/posters/computer wallpaper inspired by The Last Unicorn (various artists)
  • The Line Between (fiction collection: Tachyon trade paperback)
  • The Rhinoceros Who Quoted Nietzsche and Other Odd Acquaintances (fiction & nonfiction collection: Tachyon trade paperback)
  • Sigunick & Beagle Acoustic — The Lost ‘62 Tape (28-minute live recording on CD)
  • Strange Roads (illustrated 3-story fiction collection inspired by the art of Lisa Snellings-Clark: DreamHaven limited edition chapbook)
  • Tamsin (novel: Roc trade paperback, Firebird mass market paperback)
  • The Unicorn Sonata (illustrated novel & accidental collector’s item: Turner Books hardcover)

Note About The Last Unicorn (Deluxe Edition):

There are fewer than 1500 copies left from the original 15,000-copy printing, and Barnes & Noble has decided not to reprint. Order soon if you want to be guaranteed of getting this deluxe edition. There aren’t that many left in inventory now, and those will probably sell out before the end of the year.

Connor Cochran
Business Manager for Peter S. Beagle
& Publisher, Conlan Press

Official TV Schedule for “The Legend of Neil”

from The Legend of Neil:

Folks, last night Episode 1 premiered on Comedy Central’s Atom TV! It was super fun to watch it with Tony and several of the crew. Here’s the rest of the schedule. Set your TiVos/DVRs.

All times are at 2am.

Atom TV, Season 2
LON Episode 1 — Sept 15th
LON Episode 2 — Sept 22nd
LON Episode 3 — Sept 29th

The following dates are tentative, but episodes should roll out like this:

Atom TV, Season 3
LON Episode 4 — Nov 10th
LON Episode 5 — Nov 17th
LON Episode 6 — Dec 1st

We’ll keep you posted if anything changes. Make sure to hit up our forum if you have questions for the creators/actors.