Effinfunny Volunteers Needed

from Effinfunny:


Effinfunny.com, the creators of The Legend of Neil, are looking for some young, excited, and supremely organized volunteers to assist with our goal of creating amazingly hilarious content with an eye towards our long term goal of taking over the world.

Stuff we’re working on:

1) Effinfunny.com — The website provides daily quality stand up content focusing on awesome up and comers as well as established vets.

2) More Comedy Central webseries — I have a blind production deal with CC and Atom.com to produce several more series. We’re also in talks about the second season of The Legend of Neil 2 — though its not official, things are looking good. legendofneil.com

3) The Guild — we’re shooting season 2 and always need help on production, you’ll end up potentially doing a lot of work in different departments. watchtheguild.com

4) Commercials etc — We’re producing commercials for AbsolutePoker.net. (Our first series of commercials are airing on ESPN now.)

Stuff you might do — It ain’t all glamorous but it’s all necessary!

1) Work the Facebook, the MySpace, the Twitters, etc, social media marketing baby!

2) Run errands, file, and help with company organizing.

3) Help keep Effinfunny.com updated, and spread it all around on the Revver, the YouTube, and the blip.tv. etc.

4) If can edit in Final Cut Pro, you’ll edit. If you can’t, you’ll be able to learn some basics.

5) Helping with live comedy shows and screenings. Logistics, organizing, phone calls, etc…

What kind of person you need to be (besides just generally awesome):

1) I’m looking for young and hungry more than experienced. We need fast learners who are organized and have a very positive attitude. Must be willing to do anything and get your hands dirty!

2) Web and computer savvy is a huge plus!

3) Any Final Cut Pro/Mac/Photoshop/Motion experience a plus but totally not required. Desire to learn these programs is a huge plus.

4) You must be in LA, and you must have a car. We’re located on the east side in Silverlake/Echo Park.

5) You’d need to be able to come in at least once or twice a week (office hours are roughly 10am-6pm). The more you contribute the more you’ll get out of the experience and the better chance you’ll be recommended for paying gigs.

6) Hustle, hustle, and more hustle. Attention to detail. Fearlessness. And a sense of humor. If you don’t think we’re funny, then don’t bother.

Why should you volunteer:

To hammer the point home: You’re going to be working in a fun, exciting, and cutting edge environment with a lof rapid growth. Get in on the ground floor, put in great work now and as we grow you’ll grow with us! If this all excites the hell out of you, then we want your resume.

Please send it to effinfunny@gmail.com. PLEASE PUT THE RESUME IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL (DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS!!) Also feel free to write us a quick paragraph introducing yourself.

The Legend of Neil’s iTunes Direct Link

from The Legend of Neil:

For all those in the intersecting parts of the Venn diagram consisting of Legend of Neil lovers and iPod users you can simply click here to download the entire season of The Legend of Neil for a mere $2! Ridiculous deal. No ads, no buffering, higher res, and best of all you’re encouraging Comedy Central to buy more Neil and create the type of comedy you love! So click it up and spread the word!

Oh and for those keeping score, The Legend of Neil has just crossed over 600,000 views on Atom.com, we’re now by far their most successful series since their launch!

May the (tri)force be with you!

Snow Peak Titanium Spork

The geekiest of utensils, the spork, has been given a makeover by Snow Peak and emerged as the Titanium Spork.

Titanium Spork

“It’s time to get back to lifetime ownership,” the company’s website states, and this virtually indestructible, lightweight spork backs that motto up. According to Snow Peak, “Our vastly versatile Cutlery is fashioned to make camping and backpacking even lighter on your load. The all titanium designs keep weight and size at its minimum while providing a more sanitary eating material. Titanium’s natural composition creates an antibacterial film over the surface during oxidization. This will be the last camp cutlery set you ever buy.” It’s also the ideal accessory to tote along while attending conventions. Aside from its inherent Geek Factor, the Titanium Spork pwns by being a mere 0.6 oz and approximately 6.25″ long and 1.5″ at its widest point, taking up little of the valuable real estate that is the con-goer’s backpack reserved for collectibles and swag.

Order now at Amazon.com:
Snow Peak Titanium Spork

The Titanium Spork is available through Snow Peak or one of its many US, Canadian, and Web dealers.

Being Bladezz: Vincent Caso Talks About His Role on The Guild

Vincent "Bladezz" Caso
Vincent "Bladezz" Caso

Vincent Caso has had a stellar beginning to his acting career. After attending a school for the Arts, he decided at age 13 to become an actor. He quickly landed a role in the Jeremy Coon (Napoleon Dynamite) film American Fork, and soon after was chosen for the role of Bladezz in Felicia Day‘s The Guild. The Guild went on to become an Internet phenomenon, garnering praise and fan support from around the world, especially with MMORPG players. I had a brief opportunity to meet Vince at the California Browncoats booth at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con, where he spent a whirlwind of a weekend signing autographs and meeting fans. We only spoke for a few moments but he was a very friendly, polite, and kind young man… and TALL! Due to schedule changes I was unable to catch the entire cast together, but Vince was wonderful enough to answer some questions for us recently.

ÜberSciFiGeek (ÜSFG) Are you like your character, Bladezz, in any way?

Vincent Caso (VC) Not much. I’m sure there are one or two personality traits that we share. But I’m afraid that most of our similarities are purely physical.

(ÜSFG) Which character from The Guild do you identify with the most?

(VC) I’d have to say that I’m actually a wacky combination of Vork, Zaboo, and my own character. Though not exactly in that order. I’ve got some of the wackiness that Zaboo’s got, but sans the creepiness. And I’ve got some of the more formal aspects of Vork, but not quite as hardcore as him. And I’ve got a little bit of the personality of Bladezz, but sans the jerkiness (I’d like to think so, at least).

(ÜSFG) What is it like being the youngest cast member?

(VC) Haha, good question. The rest of the cast likes to poke fun sometimes, but it’s been all pretty cool. We joke about it occasionally (you’ll see a few playful jibes during the cast interviews in our Season 1 DVD), but they definitely don’t talk down to me or consider me just the “kid they’re working with”. They totally make me feel like one of the family.

(ÜSFG) Your first film was American Fork. What was it like working on that film?

(VC) It was a blast. Being my first official acting experience, it was all very new to me. But I learned a lot, got to know some wicked people, got to spend a month in the rather pleasant Salt Lake City, Utah, and generally had a good time.

(ÜSFG) What were the differences in production and feel on the set for American Fork and The Guild?

(VC) The Guild is all very casual, without being unprofessional. It’s a very relaxed atmosphere and really makes you feel at home. Nothing feels strict or uptight, it’s all very cool. And American Fork was much the same way. Of course there was a little more hustle-and-bustle due to the fact that it was a movie, we had more deadlines, some location constraints, some re-shoots, etc, but it was also a pretty chill experience. I’ve just been very fortunate to be a part of projects that have really cool people working on them, there’s never anyone who I have a beef with. And that makes a big difference in how fun and easy it is to work on a given set.

(ÜSFG) Do you have any other projects you are working on right now?

(VC) Not at the moment, but keep an eye out!

(ÜSFG) You also do card tricks and slight of hand. Is it a hobby or have you considered magic as a career?

(VC) At one time I had considered it to be my main focus, but it eventually just turned into a hobby. Of which I have several. It has sort of joined hands with hobbies like writing, martial arts, swing dancing, and rollerskating. (Didn’t see that one coming, did ya?)

(ÜSFG) What do you think of the response you’ve gotten from the success of The Guild?

(VC) I’m loving it! I was really blown away by what this all turned into. I mean, I knew it was a funny and cool show, but I just never thought that it might have become this when I signed on.

(ÜSFG) Are you getting recognized in public yet? Are there any “rabid fans” or funny stories yet?

(VC) It’s happened a few times, grocery stores, gyms, an In-N-Out, on the street, etc. No funny stories yet, though.

(ÜSFG) What did you think of San Diego Comic-Con? Was there anything or anyone there you were looking forward to seeing?

(VC) It was very fun, I loved the whole trip. Unfortunately I wasn’t aware of all the cool Q-and-A’s, screenings, and whatnot until like the last day, so I largely missed out.

(ÜSFG) I saw online that someone asked about Bladezz’ photos and you said they were taken for the show. Do you have any pictures from your actual portfolio you can share with your fans?

(VC) Well I don’t have a modeling portfolio or anything, but I’ve got a number of headshots. I don’t think any of my new ones are posted online yet, but I’ll look into getting some on my IMDb.

(ÜSFG) Have you started playing WoW again or are you still bored with it?

(VC) I quit cold turkey and never looked back, heh.

(ÜSFG) Is there an interview question you’ve never been asked about The Guild, but wish was asked?

(VC) I’ve never put much thought into that, I’ll have to get back to you when I think of something. 🙂

(ÜSFG) Anything else you want to share with the fans?

(VC) You dudes rock! And as corny as it may sound, we wouldn’t have much of a show without you. Keep on tuning in, we’ve got plenty of hilarious twists to await you in… Season 2. 😉 That’s all for now, guys!

Thank you, Vince, for taking the time to answer some of our questions!

Season 2 of The Guild is in preproduction, and is due to begin filming in the next few weeks. In the meantime, you can re-watch Season 1 of The Guild online at watchtheguild.com, or purchase the Season 1 DVD and other merchandise in The Guild‘s online store.

The Legend of Neil on iTunes

from The Legend of Neil:

With the release of the season finale this Thursday, The Legend of Neil has broken 500,000 views in a little over one month.  To celebrate with us, hit up our channel on Atom.com, leave some comments and ratings, and spread the word to help us get to a million.  Every view, comment and registration helps our case to get more seasons.  We’re still in talks, so whatever you can do to help us get over the edge is much appreciated!

Also, Neil has made its debut on iTunes, where all six episodes will be sold for the bargain basement price of $2! Not a bad deal to drop the show on your iPod! These were the directions sent to me by Atom (we’re working on adding a direct link):

When you go to the iTunes store, click on TV Shows, then scroll down to “Networks” and click on Comedy Central. Go to Page 2 and click on “Atom” — Legend of Neil should show up.

Long live Neil!

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Are you such a devoted fan of The Legend of Zelda that you’ve played every game to completion (perhaps more than once), and read every related book in print? This October, VIZ Media comes to your rescue with an English adaptation of the Zelda manga to keep you immersed in the world of Hyrule.

The Legend of Zelda manga series, officially approved by Nintendo, began publication in Japan in February 2000 and covers nine of the most popular Zelda games. VIZ Media’s adaptation will mark the first time the fan-praised series has been officially released in English.

The first title set to be published in North America is Ocarina of Time, the dustjacket description of which reads, “In the mystical land of Hyrule, three spiritual stones hold the key to the Triforce, and whoever holds them will control the world. A boy named Link sets out on a quest to deliver the Emerald, the spiritual stone of the forest, to Zelda, Princess of the land of Hyrule. The journey will be long and perilous, and Link will need all his skill and courage to defeat evil. The battle for Hyrule and the Sacred Realm has begun!”

In Ocarina of Time , the adventures of the game’s hero, Link, are divided into two volumes — known as the “Child Saga” and the “Adult Saga” — that relate the story of how the young Link left his forest home and grew up in the process to become the destined Hero of Time. The story and art by Akira Himekawa, including the bonus preliminary sketches he did in preparation for the project, are consistently top-notch, and the books remain mostly true to the video game plot, occasionally adding extra material to expand upon or explain things from the game series. Ocarina of Time reads from right to left, as in the original Japanese book format, and is rated “A” for All Ages.

Now VIZ Media just needs to produce plush toys to accompany the Zelda manga. Cuddling an adorable little Link or Zelda doll while following their stories on the page would add a whole extra layer to the reading experience, and allow the reader to act out the cute crush between the two characters as portrayed in Ocarina of Time.

Pre-order at Amazon.com:
The Legend of Zelda , Vol. 1: Ocarina of Time, Part 1
The Legend of Zelda , Vol. 2: Ocarina of Time, Part 2

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time‘s English translation is distributed by VIZ Media. For more information on the full range of The Legend of Zelda titles, see Manga from The Legend of Zelda Series.

The Legend of Neil, a NSFW-rated Web series that spoofs The Legend of Zelda, is also recommended for adult Zelda fans. Its creator is Sandeep Parikh, who plays Zaboo in the award-winning Web series The Guild.

Season 2 of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Premieres in 3 Days!

Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles was the highest rated new show last season and this season looks to be even bigger and better. As the terminator, Cameron, Summer Glau truly won the audience over, even those who didn’t want a Sarah Conner without Linda Hamilton. In much the way Arnold Schwarzenegger won over fans in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Summer’s Cameron is both the action and the humor of the show. Watching her move is like watching music come to life: it flows and captivates you, pulling you in and along with it. Unlike Season 1, which was cut short to eight episodes by the writers’ strike, it will be a full 22 episodes this season. Additional cast members (Shirley Manson of Garbage) have been added and a main cast member will die!

During the San Diego Comic-Con panel, the producer dropped the bomb that someone would die, something that the cast did not know yet. Suddenly everyone was pleading, “Please not me! I promise to remember my lines!”

Here’s my theory: I think either Sarah Conner or Agent Ellison will die. Why, you ask?

Theory one: During the discussion of Season 2, Richard Jones was talking about the writers asking him questions about the book of Revelations because he was always reading his Bible on the set when he wasn’t in a scene. The whole “apocalypse” theme of Revelations is going to play a big role in this season as a man of faith (Agent Ellison) begins to question his beliefs as he witnesses the rise of the machines — are they a fulfillment of prophesy or was the Bible wrong? How do the terminators fit into Revelations? Richard, while speaking about it, mentioned that he is a very faithful, strong Christian and how thrilled he was that the writers were asking him so many questions. He also mentioned how he prayed for his castmates and crew and how much he loved his job. That could make people uncomfortable, and after milking him for apocalyptical knowledge and faith-based point of view of the end of the world, they might want him gone to make things easier on the set for those who do not share the same beliefs and may feel he’s too vocal for their comfort.

Theory two: An innocent fan stumbled upon a sore spot with the crew — he asked if we would get to see more sexy Lena Headey in tank top scenes, since Sarah Conner was famous for her tanks. Lena, with a glance at the director, hesitantly commented that “actors don’t belong in makeup chairs” and the director leaned into the mic and said, “you’ve stumbled into a family squabble” and changed the subject. Lena is famous for her tattoos. She has them all over her arms and back. She had them when she was hired for the position and apparently doesn’t like spending three or more hours in a chair getting makeup applied to her tats to cover them up. While they hired her with tattoos in place already, there seems to have been a dispute at some point over the tattoos and neither party was willing to comment on the details of it. The question now is, has the tension on the set about her tattoos become a big enough issue to kill her off? With Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and the events in Terminator: TSCC, we know that at some point Sarah died of cancer in the original timeline that has been altered by the events of TSCC. Will they take advantage of this “canon” event to get rid of her because they can’t resolve their “family squabble”, will she submit to the chair willingly to avoid the permanent death of her character, or will they begin writing her tattoos into the story as they have with castmate Brian Austin Green?

This is all speculation, but when the word “death” came up at Comic-Con, these were the two biggest targets that I saw on the panel, if only because they seemed to be ripples in an otherwise fairly calm pool. Also, Lena wasn’t “feeling the love” from fans’ underwhelming response to her. I felt that when she came out and the applause was not as loud as for the others, but no one received louder applause then Summer Glau. Linda Hamilton’s name was banned from the discussion, a suggestion that the biggest negative feedback from the fans is “not liking” Terminator without Linda Hamilton (but to be fair, the name “River Tam” was banned as well, even though a fan broke that rule by addressing Summer as River).

I know there has been some expression of dislike towards Lena Headey’s Sarah Conner, even within my circles. I didn’t expect to like her, not because I don’t like Lena but because of Linda Hamilton being the face of Sarah Conner for more then two decades, but, on the contrary, I have enjoyed Lena’s roles and unexpectedly warmed up to her interpretation of Sarah quicker then I expected to. Honestly, I didn’t plan on giving Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles more then four episodes to grab me. There have been too many cheesy sci-fi shows tossed together to get the geek fan base to switch networks, and hopefully latch on to other non-sci-fi shows while there, before quickly axing the show, but Fox surprised us with a strong showing and surprisingly well-produced show. Not only did they win me over, it’s the one show my entire family sits together to watch every week, and the newly released Season 1 DVD box set is now a part of our vast DVD library.

If you missed out on Season 1 of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, you can watch the recaps or full episodes on the official Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles website or pick up the DVD. Tune in on Monday, September 8th to catch the Season 2 premiere on the Fox network.

The Evil League of Evil

The Evil League of Evil from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog has a message on its website for wannabe future members:

The Evil League of Evil
soon will be accepting applications for membership,
Please stand by.

Professor Normal, Fake Thomas Jefferson,
Tie-Die, Dead Bowie, Fury Leika, Snake Bite,
and Bad Horse

These additional lines of text appear if the entire page is highlighted:

When people are supposed to be submitting, it’ll be
abundantly clear how. Everyone will know.

(E-mail sent to badhorse@evilleagueofevil.com gets this auto-reply:

Important Message

The Evil League of Evil soon will be accepting applications for membership. Please stand by.

— Bad Horse

P.S. Please forgive the absence of song. The Bad Horse Chorus currently is recovering from a Horrible hang-over.)

The Guild: Season 1

The Guild: Season 1 proves that you don’t have to be a big studio to put out a polished DVD. The production values on this small press title ensure that it wouldn’t look out of place on a DVD shelf at any retail store; the cover art and design is professional-level, the disc is printed with a full-colour image, and there’s even a glossy insert included which provides a glossary of gaming terms for the non-gaming viewer. The DVD’s menu is quite basic, which makes it very easy to navigate through the menu choices. The ten episodes of the web series are available in both “play all” and chapter form, with optional English subtitling, and there are two commentary tracks — cast, or director and producer — for each episode. The bonus materials consist of cast interviews, audition footage, three gag reels (two of them exclusive), the popular Christmas Carol Video, and the Season 1 Script (PDF format). There’s also an Easter Egg hidden in the Bonus Materials menu, so be sure to look for it. The DVD is NTSC Format, but should be playable on any computer or newer, region-free DVD player.

It’s quite a different experience viewing The Guild on DVD, compared to its original YouTube presentation; details that weren’t noticeable in the tiny YouTube frame are now visible, and in place of watching short intallments of the series every few weeks, as was the case in the original online run, the story now unfolds in one continous, movie-like block.

The Guild: Season 1 is available through the store at watchtheguild.com for $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping and, according to Felicia Day’s blog, Season 2 is set to start shooting in September. In another blog post Felicia Day says, “with the DVD sales we will be back paying [the cast of The Guild] for the first season, so thank you if you bought a DVD!”


Igor — In Theaters September 19th (US) and October 17th (UK)

Official Website (US)
Official Website (UK)
Igor: The Game Official Website
Facebook | Igor (Facebook Page)
Facebook | Igors of the World UNITE (Facebook Group)
MySpace | Igor
Bebo | Igor
Twitter | Igor

In a land of mad scientists and diabolical inventions, what do you do when you’re born with a hunch on your back?

You become an Igor.

A hilarious twist on the classic monster movie, Igor tells the story of one Igor who’s sick of being a lowly lab assistant with a Yes Master’s degree and dreams of becoming a scientist. When his cruel master kicks the bucket a week before the annual Evil Science Fair, Igor finally gets his chance.

With the help of two of his experimental creations — Brain, a brain in a jar who’s a little light on brains, and Scamper, a cynical bunny brought back from being road kill, Igor embarks on building the most evil invention of all time, a huge, ferocious monster. Unfortunately, instead of turning out evil, the monster turns out as Eva, a giant aspiring actress who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Just when the load on his back can’t get any heavier, Igor and his band of monstrous misfits uncover an evil plot that threatens their world. Now, they must fight to save it and prove that heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

Featuring the voice talents of John Cusack, Steve Buscemi, John Cleese, Jennifer Coolidge, Arsenio Hall, Sean Hayes, Eddie Izzard, Jay Leno, James Lipton, Molly Shannon and Christian Slater, Igor is the must-see family comedy of the fall.