Weta: meet Jackie Chan, Xenodefugio and Pomson

from Weta:

New Pin Joins the Ranks!
Readers of VICTORY — Scientific Adventure Violence for Young Men and Literate Women will no doubt have drooled over the Pomson 6000 — a stonker of a beautiful ray rifle. We are testing the market for these beasts by making available a smidge of trinketry for lapel application. This pin joins previous pins — the Unnatural Selector and the Goliaton 83. Acquire one or perish excrutiatingly! (one of each if you want to be ABSOLUTELY certain)

Dr. Grordbort’s Exceptional Exhibition gets Shanghaied by Jackie Chan!
It was announced yesterday by Jackie Chan, the rapscallion, that the Dr. Grordbort’s Exceptional Exhibition that has recently closed its doors after a successful stint in Hong Kong, is next headed for Shanghai. There is a locomotorial electropictogrammatic recording the revelation to the publishing hordes right here! The readables and audibles seem to be encrypted (or possibly in Mandarin). But by Jove — you will get the gist!

LAST CHANCE to acquire an Unnatural Selector Ray Blunderbuss — only 5 LEFT!
Out of the 50, only 5 remain. Order yours now.

Steampunk Fashion Show and Gala Ball
The hugely talented provincials in the township of Oamaru on New Zealand’s largely deserted South Island, have put on an extraordinary event — a Steampunk Fashion Show. Grordbort Industries sent Kim Graham along as a judge for the competition and we had a very hard time getting her back from the League of Victorian Imagineers, as they’ve monikered themselves. For the results and a description of the event, please visit The League of Victorian Imagineers in Oamaru!

Xenodefugio Subtiltus — a mouthful on a multitude of levels!
The hive is a-flutter as yet another species is awarded with extinction! With the latest, the Xenodefugio Subtiltus, it’s actually been a struggle to keep it alive this long. More about that — and the chance to OWN one — on Wednesday 30 June! Keep them peeled! No… your eyes, stupid! Here’s an excerpt of behavioural characteristica: “To ascribe the characteristic ‘retarded’ to its movement would not be unfair, as these simple little beasts move unpredictably in a manner akin to an unhappy grasshopper with mild brain damage.

Greg Broadmore — Philosophising in Switzerland
Greg Broadmore will no doubt be entrancing his audience when he descends on Neuchatel, with talk about Weta Workshop design philosophy and about creating Science Fiction Worlds such as Dr. Grordbort’s and District 9. This all takes place at the Imaging the Future Symposium at this year’s NIFFF, the Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival. In Neuchatel. Naturally. When? In the morning Thursday 8 July!

Dr. Grordbort’s for beginners
It is advisable, for beginners, not to throw themselves at the aether oscillating contraputronica straight away, but to familiarise oneself. We can think of no better way than to secure a “Dr. Grordbort’s for beginners” swag pack, consisting of no less (and no more) than seven items — all drawn from the blunter end of the Dr. Grordbort’s arsenal. There’s the book — Dr. Grordbort’s Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory — a stylish pin, a sleek and sexy keyring and four postcards. Neither of which can be used (as far as we’ve been able to establish) to cause any major harm (young impressionable minds excluded).

“San Diego Comic Convention”
A whole exhibition hall dedicated to compartmentalised picture essays? What a preposterous notion! And in the colonies? Pah! Alas, it seems to thoroughly have mesmerised Messrs Taylor, Broadmore, Launder and Tremont who are all going to attend Weta’s booth (#2615) alongside assorted totty. Again. Every year, the same debacle. This year, a number of hefty crates have been packed and forwarded. Contents include customised rayguns (on themes such as stripy animals, orientals with a death wish and Teutonic knife makers), a huge lump of faux stone, vaguely in the shape of the Matterhorn, which is allegedly to serve as a kind of beacon to the masses at the convention. And other shiny and desirable bits. Grordbort Industries production associates, “Weta” have a page of updates available for your perusal.

Gunstand. It’s a Universal thing!
Is your sidearm crying out for a cooling rack? Now we have these beauties in stock. A slap of cast iron with weight and heft to hold ANY of Dr. Grordbort’s range of aether oscillating handguns. The Pearce Atom, the F.M.O.M., the Goliathon 83, the Manmelter 3600zx, the Victorious Mongoose and last (and least) the space-age lightweight stealth pistol the Righteous Bison Indivisible Particle Smasher. Don’t singe your velour-clad travel case — cool and display your gear on a Universal Gun Stand today! (or in a few days, depending on the slackness of the freight forwarders).

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