ThinkGeek battles Angry Sun with a Summer Sale

from ThinkGeek:

Summer con-goers, we salute you!

We’ve returned triumphant from SDCC, having rubbed elbows with — or at least seen — the geek elite. Timmy’s a bit miffed that his costumes didn’t make it in time, but otherwise, a geektacular time was had by all. We also have a newfound respect for cosplayers who braved the San Diego sun while wearing full bodysuits and/or leather or leather-esque products. You folks are seriously hardcore.

And speaking of geeks we respect, Happy Birthday, Gary Gygax. We still miss you.

It’s That-Winter-Holiday-You-Celebrate in July!
The Sun is a mass of incandescent gas… we mean, plasma. It’s dang hot out, almost like a nuclear furnace, and we’re feeling a little delirious. So if you check out our Summer Sale and some prices look a little TOO LOW, you may want to grab those items quickly before we come to our senses. For now, we need to go find some lemonade and sit by the AC vent.

Find more What’s New items at ThinkGeek!

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