Weta: Awesome Offers on “Doctor Who” and NEW Art Book!

from Weta:

Half Price Doctor Who! This week only.
We’ve chosen a couple of our more popular Doctor Who collectibles and are offering them at an insanely low price this week. A Dalek for £74? Unheard-of. A Cyberman Leader Helmet for £19? Yes, indeed! Check out our Doctor Who collectibles and read the reviews!

The Art of District 9: Weta Workshop Shipping shortly!
We will start shipping the book World Wide this week — if you haven’t placed your pre-order yet — please get your order in. Don’t forget — when you order directly from Weta, you get the VERY cool stencil signed by Greg Broadmore, Leri Greer, David Meng, Christian Pearce and of course the author, Daniel Falconer. The books are here and we will start delivering world wide this week!

White Cloud Worlds — the very best of New Zealand Fantasy Art in new book!
A new book — White Cloud Worlds — is now available for pre-order on our website. It features a long line of New Zealand’s very best fantasy artists, many of which work or have once worked at Weta Workshop. Paul Tobin, Greg Broadmore, Jeremy Bennett, Ben Wootten, Nick Keller, Jamie Beswarick… they’re all there along with MANY many more… Available in two versions, a limited edition boxed version with an art print or a standard hardcover edition, this is an OUTSTANDING book. Check it out!

Armageddon Auckland 23-25 October. Details!
We can finally divulge a bit more about our presence at Armageddon at Auckland’s ASB Showgrounds 23-25 October. At Weta’s booth (#52) you will find senior model maker David Tremont along with Magnus and Iris as well as a long line of guests who are doing book signings:

Saturday 11-1: Greg Broadmore
The Art of District 9: Weta Workshop | White Cloud Worlds | VICTORY | Dr. Grordbort’s Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory

Saturday 11-1: Paul Tobin, Dylan Coburn, Claire Hackett, Nick Keller
White Cloud Worlds

Saturday 2-3.30: Greg Broadmore
The Art of District 9: Weta Workshop | White Cloud Worlds | VICTORY | Dr. Grordbort’s Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory

Saturday 3-5pm: Paul Tobin, Claire Hackett, Nick Keller
White Cloud Worlds

Sunday 11-1: Paul Tobin, Claire Hackett
White Cloud Worlds

Sunday 3-5pm: Paul Tobin, Claire Hackett
White Cloud Worlds

Also — For the first time at a New Zealand con:

And much much more! Keep an eye for SPECTACULAR special offers in the next newsletter and read all about the event on our Facebook page!

Have you put your questions to Daniel Cockersell?
Daniel Cockersell, a Senior Sculptor at Weta Workshop will be answering questions from fans and collectors on the Weta message boards at The Shadow and Flame. Apart from sculpting for the movies we work on, Daniel has recently worked on some of our collectibles, such as Gollum, Éowyn and the Nazgûl, Bag End and our Halo and Doctor Who ranges. Ask your questions here — there is still time!

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