Dude, Where’s My Lightcycle?

from GeekChicDaily:

On December 17th, Jeff Bridges returns to the grid in Tron: Legacy as both hero and villain. We pinged Bridges to get his take on the new flick, and just what tech he uses in his day-to-day.

GeekChicDaily: Are you surprised to be returning to the world of Tron after all this time?

Jeff Bridges: I saw it as an opportunity to be part of telling a modern day myth about technology. I thought we could really use one of those. It was really the father-son aspect that convinced me in the end. Flynn has a lot of trouble internally with the fact that his son is essentially brought into a war of his own creation.

GCD: We dig your villains, like Obadiah Stane in Iron Man. You project a pretty laid back visage in real life… where do you go to get the icy malice that you deliver so well in your bad guys?

JB: I approach each part the same way. It sounds really simple, but for me it starts with the script. I take some time, and compare the character to different aspects of myself. You’re right, I’m pretty laid back, but I’m not only laid back. I can kick that off to the side. We all have lots of facets to who we are.

GCD: How much technology do you use in your day-to-day?

JB: I’ve got a website I put up a few years ago. I enjoy the creative aspects of that, because it’s sort of like having your own radio show or television station. I’ve got an iPhone, and I’ll eventually probably get an iPad. But with the iPhone, the way my mind works… I’m sure I’ll never know how to do all the stuff it does.

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