ThinkGeek’s Random T-Shirt of Surprising Awesomeness is Back!

from ThinkGeek:

Esteemed chuckleheads,

It is with great bukkit-holding happiness that we announce it’s time for our Random T-Shirt of Surprising Awesomeness yet again! For as little as $5.99, our robot monkeys will select one random shirt in your size from our magical, mysterious warehouse.

Will it be awesome? Yes! Will it be black? Possibly! Will it be radioactive? Also possibly! Will we stop asking questions and get on with the newsletter after reminding you that 3/14 is Pi Day? Absolutely!

Random T-Shirt of Surprising Awesomeness!
We have these perfectly good shirts. Perfectly good except for a slight mutation causes changes in color and design. We’re pretty sure they’re not radioactive, or at least they won’t be by the time you open your box. Get one for as little as $5.99.

Find more What’s New items at ThinkGeek!

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