The Legend of Neil: Animatronic Skeletons and Fan Art

from The Legend of Neil:

Ok, I’ve seen some pretty amazing fan art in my day, but this has to take the cake. Our newfound beloved superfan, Jeri, has constructed an animatronic version of the Neil skeletons. I’m completely blown away and just have to share the links with you (and no it’s not Felicia Day even though it kind of looks like her, my brother was convinced that we just made this up. We did not, it’s real!) Check out part 1 and part 2 of how she put this all together.

Also we do have an official submission section for fan art and we haven’t seen squat. Send us some stuff, even if it looks like a 3 year old drew it. I need some cool pics to hang around our office for inspiration for the second season. C’mon people, drop everything and draw some fairy sex scenes already!

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