The Legend of Neil: Vote Baby Vote!

from The Legend of Neil:

Only one week left people. Get out there and vote everyday for Neil for the Streamys Audience Choice Award. We would trade all the other nominations in for this win. These other shows have the numbers so we’ve got to have the craZy and vote everday from now until the 28th! But I’m sure you’re asking yourself “How will I remember to vote?”

Here are some devices that might help you trigger the memory to vote everyday:

1) Make your homepage for your next week.

2) Everytime you brush think about how in Zelda Link never once brushes his teeth and how gnarly his mouth must be by the time he meets up with the princess. Then go vote for Neil.

3) Correct anyone that refers to their father as their “Old Man” by saying you mean “Oooold Man” and then go vote for Neil.

4) Tattoo “Vote for Neil” on your belly. Use your belly button to replace the “o” in “for.” If it’s an outie, then just hang a picture of Tony Janning on it.

5) Allow your spouse to yell out “Neil” during intercourse for the following week. If you’re single yell out Neil while masturbating.

6) Make your dying wish that Neil wins the Audience Choice Award and then end your life (not recommended).

7) Everytime you see another human being think about how there’s a skeleton inside of him/her. Now think about that skeleton having a German accent and being gay for deals, then go vote for Neil.

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