Streaming Live on the Streamys

from The Legend of Neil:

A special thank you to all our fans who voted for us for the Audience Choice awards. The voting is now closed. You can see the results of the award and the others we’re nominated for live streaming on the interweb at 7:30pm PST at the official streamy website. Don’t miss it!

The Legend of Neil and The Guild are nominated up and down this thing and we want to share our victories and defeats with you, our fans who’ve made these honors possible. I mean, I (as in Sandeep) am nominated along side Rob Corddry, Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Joss Whedon. WTF indeed. I don’t know what kind of alternate reality I’ve dropped into, but I know it’s due to all of YOU that have supported web television like Neil and The Guild. So thank you thank you thank you! Also I’m presenting an award with Felicia Day and there’s a good chance I’ll be so nervous that I’ll vomit on her lovely dress, and then I’ll play it off as improv vomit, so you won’t want to miss that…

ETA at 11:33: Whoops, I was mis-informed (by my competition no less!) apparently you can still vote one last time for the Audience Choice awards. Get out there and hit it Neil fans!

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