Wander Over Yonder

from Craig McCracken:

Hello All,

I’ve always been drawing and typically my stuff (when it doesn’t end up on your TV sets) just sits on a shelf in my office collecting dust. So back in ’07, inspired by the work my wife was doing with her brilliant Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls I decided to dust off some of those drawings and try and hock some of my own wares.

So that year at Comic Con I debuted my nomadic, hippie, muppet man, Wander Over Yonder. It was a real simple affair, a T- Shirt, a patch, and a sketchbook of some of my taken ‘er easy, getting back to nature doodles. Wander was well received and after a good con we still had some stuff left over. So as to not let this “rolling stone” gather too much dust like my drawings used to I’m proud to announce that Wander has launched his very own webstore. So please Wander on over and check it out when you get a chance.

Thank you kindly,


(PS — shirts come in men’s and women’s sizes, and the sketchbook comes signed)

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