Father’s Day goodies at ThinkGeek

from ThinkGeek:

Hoopy Froods,

Wherever you were last week on May 25th, we hope you carried with you your very own massively useful towel in honor of International towel day. If you did not, may you suffer a hundred years of Vogon poetry readings. For those that did, we’ve assembled the following heap of goodies for you to gawk upon…

Avoid the Force Choke — Get dad something good for Father’s Day!

Unless you were hatched, spawned or cloned, you probably have have a father. And unlike some dads in geek history (who shall remain nameless *cough*Vader*cough*) we’ll bet your dad deserves an awesome gift for Father’s Day. We know how difficult it can be to get something cool and useful for your dad, and though we can’t guarantee the “useful” part of the equation, we have a lot of gift ideas for dads ranging from useful to useless but all of them very cool. So hurry up and get shopping because you don’t want to show up empty handed on Father’s Day, unless you enjoy a good Force Choke.

Father’s Day is June 21st.

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