News That Squishes: New Squishables!

from Squishable:

Hello Folks!

If you were wrestling in a tub of jello-flavored news, you wouldn’t want it to be grimy, grainy news… you’d want it to be Squishy News! Alright, that was a little lame, but it’s ’cause I’m so excited to tell you our news! And here it is:

1) We’ve got two new Squishables! Yes, indeed!

Squishable Bat — What could be cooler than a bat? Can I fly on cute little bat wings? Can I save the world from dangerous bugs? No. Bats are cooler than I am.

Squishable Devil — Who wouldn’t want to hug a symbol of supreme moral ambiguity? I know I would!

2) Eco-Koala Understudy — Hug with caution. Just one squeeze and you will spend the next three days saying “Awwww” and staring dreamily into space. We warned you. Incidentally, he’s made of soy and stuffed with a renewal rain forest crop.

3) Squishable and Squishable Understudy restocks! Please stop protesting outside our door — the following animals are back in stock:

Squishable Raccoon, Squishable Shark, Squishable Whale, Squishable Elephant, Squishable Hippo, Squishable Rhino, Eco-Lemur Understudy, and Eco-Otter Understudy

4) The great Squishable Summer Video Contest! — Show off those nifty video skills (you know you’ve got ’em) to win a free Squishy and a $50 donation to your favorite charity. Free stuff! Charity! Niftiness!

5) And don’t forget, for every picture we receive of you and your Squishable this month for our gallery, we’ll donate a buck to Autism Speaks! Come on, we all could use the the good karma. Send ’em to

Incidentally, do you need a break from scary, serious news? Then follow us on Twitter! Oh, go on.

That’s it. Thanks folks!

Zoe and Aaron

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