Birthday Wishes for Felicia

from The Guild:

No rest for the celebrated. Felicia Day, who turns [mumbles] today, is hard at work on Season 3.

Remember to check out the Knights of the Guild podcast for some great interviews, updates from the cast and crew, and some great discussions.

Some of the loyal Guild fans from our community have hijacked Felicia’s personal blog to wish her a happy birthday.

Lastly, none of this could be possible without our venerable leader, whose tireless efforts to entertain have been enjoyed by millions of viewers. We, at The Guild, find that working with Felicia has been blissful, and fun, and fulfilling because she inspires us all to work hard and make things happen even when it’s seemingly impossible.

From the cast and crew of The Guild, we would like to wish Felicia the happiest of birthdays.

Happy birthday, Red.

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