Split Reason’s Summer Promo and Nintendo Contest

from Split Reason:

This month was busy as we’re still hooked on Fight Night Round 4 and Red Faction; excellent titles that warrant serious playtime. Let’s not forget another title update for Gears of War 2, Worms 2: Armageddon on XBLA, and a laughable sequel to Transformers. All while trying to crank out another wave of new T’s. Nothing we can’t handle. Extend awake hours, reduce sleep, and get a few extra battery packs to charge controllers in rotation.

Before we move on to new products, no newsletter would be complete without a way to shave a few bucks off the price tag. It’s hot out there so we’re going to put some change into your Slurpee fund. Save 10% by entering promo code SLURPEE at check-out. We’re also running a nifty contest this month to give-a-way a Nintendo DSi, click this link for your chance to win!

Also, check out this footage of giant alien robots nuking Tokyo.

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