Weta News: September 2009

from Weta:

Hey Weta fans,
There are more and more trailers coming out for the movies we have worked on over the last few years. Weta is very proud of our work on District 9, Neill Blomkamp’s first feature-length film, where Weta designed as well as created creatures, vehicles, weapons and props. This movie has been in theatres for a couple of weeks now. We have also been heavily involved in James Cameron’s Avatar — his first feature film since Titanic. This movie premieres in December world wide. Enjoy!

T-shirt clearance — all shirts under US$20! Save 20%!
As spring officially commences (although still very tentatively) here in the southern hemisphere, we thought we’d celebrate with a special offer. All adult T-shirts are now US$19.95 and kids’ shirts US$17.50. Offer ends 20 September. We have new colours in some styles and for the big-boned among us, a couple of styles now also come in 3XL. Check out the range!

In the News:
It’s been a busy and tumultuous time here at the Workshop. We’re getting used to being back in Middle-earth on many levels, not least in terms of our new range of collectibles. The first sword in our Master Swordsmith’s Collection — Andúril — has sold out. The Miniature Shields have been very popular. We are also incredibly proud that John Howe’s sculptures from Middle-earth have received such wide-spread accolade. It is especially pleasing for us to be able to offer these in faux bronze, to make them more accessible to our loyal friends and collectors.

Other stories from the last month:
Mess with the Mouse at Your Peril!
The Weta Halo Warthog takes a trip to Australia
Postcards from Venus — here are the winners

Have you ever tuned in to the Weta Cast?
We’ve had a lot of good feedback for our “online radio show”, the Weta Cast. Daniel Falconer and Magnus Hjert interview Weta Workshop crew as well as visiting celebrities and give you the inside scoop on the work that goes on inside Weta, reports from the shows we go to as well as friendly banter between your two fanboy hosts. It’s easy to tune in — if you can hear sound on your PC, you can listen to the Weta Cast. Go check it out! Listen to the Weta Cast, Episode XII with District 9 lead designer Greg Broadmore.

Just in — Two GREAT Interviews with Greg Broadmore
Greg has been a busy man – check out these two great interviews:
Indy Mogul interview Greg Broadmore about District 9, Rayguns and catfood
The Arms Channel interview Greg at Comic-Con about Rayguns

The Second Dr Grordbort’s book is near!
In a few weeks we’ll be starting to take pre-orders for Greg Broadmore’s second book: Victory! Scientific Adventure Violence for Young Men and Literate Women. As politically correct as ever, Greg has this time written an Adventure Annual, designed to teach the younger generation all about conquering the Universe and those who inhabit it. It follows the style of Dr. Grordbort’s Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory that was released last year. We let a few of our friends have a preview — this is what one of them says:

“I utterly love this universe Greg has created. Join Lord Cockswain as he selflessly ventures out into our solar system in the name of science, and discovery. Watch in awe as he uses his fantastic guns to research all of the wondrous life he encounters! And while he’s at it, teach those filthy savages a thing or two. This satirical take on the colonial era and the astonishing and fully complete world that Greg has created leaves the reader engulfed in an overload of creatures, weapons, locations and characters that are truly fantastic. Drawing from both twenties and thirties fiction, while simultaneously mocking it, the end result is pure gold. Propaganda posters, ray guns and tanks, what more could you ask for?”
Neill Blomkamp, Director — District 9

Customers who buy the book directly from Weta’s website or at the Weta Cave, get an exclusive Art Card, signed by Greg Broadmore. Check out a preview of some of the pages in the book.

Have you checked out Weta’s NEW FAN FORUMS?
Charles Song and our friends at The Shadow & Flame have kindly agreed to host the official Weta forums. These only opened last week but have instantly become a hit. There are two — one for Weta stuff in general and one especially dedicated to Dr. Grordbort’s Infallible Aether Oscillators — The Infallible Forum! Go check it out! These are very friendly online forums and we highly recommend you go have a banter with other Weta fans.

Weta Dollars Reminder:
Don’t forget — if you hold Weta Dollars that were earned on our OLD website, these expire 31 December 2009, so make sure you spend them before then!

This is how you find us online!
http://fans.wetaNZ.com/Magnus/ | Twitter: @wetaworkshop | Facebook: Weta Workshop

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