Sea-Monkeys on the Moon Mini-World

In 1994, NASA recruited Sea-Monkeys, otherworldly marine creatures that breathe through their feet and have three eyes in adulthood, for experiments in hatching and growing on two space shuttle flights. Back home on Earth, these tiny astronauts have a fittingly space-themed habitat in which to reminisce about their interstellar adventures, the Sea-Monkeys on the Moon Mini-World.

Sea-Monkeys on the Moon Mini-World

A brightly coloured rendition of a sci-fi moonscape, the Sea-Monkeys on the Moon Mini-World tank has a bright green bottom dotted with craters, one of which has a huge (to the Sea-Monkeys) three-eyed alien popping out of it. The craters are topped by white circles and orange starbursts, and there’s a small, blue UFO stealthily parked at the back of the tank. It’s amusing to watch the Sea-Monkeys congregate beneath the UFO’s saucer and swarm about the limbs of the smaller alien figurine standing on the lunar surface. Unlike the crowded Sea-Monkeys in the City Mini-World — the third Mini-World is the beach-inspired “Hang 10” — the Moon Mini-World has plenty of room between the contents of the tank and the clear wall, so none of the Sea-Monkeys will be in danger of getting stuck when they go for a moonwalk. This short, square-shaped tank may look smaller than previous styles of Sea-Monkey tanks, but actually does hold the same volume of water, and its squat proportions serve to keep that water from spilling since the tank is much harder to knock over than its taller and skinnier counterparts. Magnifying portals, which are usually located on the sides of Sea-Monkey tanks, are on the lid of Mini-Worlds, offering a whole different observation angle. The Mini-World packaging says there should be a pipette included with the accessories, but there wasn’t one in this kit. That’s really the only mark against this tank, as the pipette, aside from being useful for cleaning the tank floor, would be very handy for aerating the oxygen-greedy Sea-Monkeys. Without an air pump you have to resort to stirring the water, pouring the water repeatedly between the tank and a glass, or blowing through a straw, which could result in injuries to your fragile little pets. Aside from that omission, though, the Sea-Monkeys on the Moon Mini-World has everything a good commander needs to make sure that their Sea-Monkey charges live long and prosper.

The Official Sea-Monkey Handbook says, “Sea-Monkeys are a variety of Artemia which are crustaceans such as Brine Shrimp or Seed Shrimps. Their correct latin name is Artemia nyos (after the New York Ocean Science Laboratories where the hybrid Sea-Monkeys were developed.)” According to the Sea-Monkeys’ famous advertising slogan, “Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys are the world’s first ever Instant Live Pets. Simply add water and your Sea-Monkeys come to life right before your eyes.” Anyone who tried to raise Sea-Monkeys when they were first introduced decades ago knows that it wasn’t always that simple, as the classic tanks came with very brief and inexact directions, so the highly detailed instruction sheets included in the Mini-Worlds and other modern kits are a welcome addition to the Sea-Monkeys’ gear. In an eggshell, here’s how to avoid an aborted flight when attempting to get your new colony off the ground:

  1. Add Water Purifier
    Sea-Monkeys are extremely sensitive to contaminants, so their tank and water must be thoroughly cleaned before you begin the Instant Life process. Rinse the tank with warm water to make sure it’s sterile, but don’t use soap, which is lethal to Sea-Monkeys. (This step isn’t mentioned in the enclosed temperature/hatching chart, but better safe than sorry.) Fill the tank with bottled, room temperature water, then pour in the contents of the #1 Water Purifier packet. Stir in the powder for about a minute, using a clean spoon or straw. Wait for a full 24 hours.
  2. Add Instant Live Eggs
    Add the #2 Instant Live Eggs packet, which contains about 75 Sea-Monkey eggs. Place the tank in indirect sunlight, keeping it away from electrical appliances. Wait for the baby Sea-Monkeys to emerge.
  3. Start Feeding
    Houston, we have lift-off! On the fifth day after the eggs hatch, give the Sea-Monkeys one level scoop from the #3 Growth Food packet, using the small end of the calibrated feeding spoon. The food packet should last for a year if rationed out as directed.

If you follow these tips, and those in the official promo video How to Create, The Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys, you won’t need to use the 2-Year Guarantee to start over with a new packet of Sea-Monkeys. Just feed the inhabitants of your moonbase once a week, and they’ll continue to happily frolic in their Moon Mini-World for the entire duration of their projected two-year mission.

Order now at
Sea-Monkeys on the Moon Mini-World

Order additional food and accessories through Sea-Monkeys: The Official Site.

The Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys are distributed by Big Time Toys, in partnership with Transcience Corporation. For more information on Sea-Monkeys, visit Swim with Sea-Monkeys, the Sea Monkey Worship Page, and Sea Monkey Mania.

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