An Open Letter to the Web Series Community

from LG15 Today:

Tomorrow January 11, 2010 is a very special day. We will see the launch of a new chapter of the story that takes place within the LG15 Universe.

We frequently hear that in the web series community anything lonelygirl15 is viewed as a relic. Perhaps, but perhaps you have just not been paying attention because it was a “fad” way back in 2006.

The reality is that the community has been through many trials and tribulations. The history is long and complicated but full of passion and creativity. At the core of the community has always been an ability to make videos and tell stories either as “companions series” within the LG15 Universe, or as fully independent series in their own universe. When The Last were given the opportunity to continue the canon story via The Show is Yours they rose to the occasion and showed those who watched that you can tell a compelling story on an extremely limited budget.

We as a community have grown up with the web series genre. We are strong proponents of the web series genre. And, we may very well be fans of your own show.

That said, tomorrow is a special day and we call on you all to lend your support to LG15: Outbreak. We have no more idea than you what the show will bring to the table so there are no guarantees. What is certain is that it deserves a first look and it certainly deserves and needs your support. And, if we are not mistaken it may well take you on a compelling ride you did not expect.

So, that said we ask everyone including Tubefilter, Newteevee, all the other web series blogs and sites, all the producers of other web series and fans of other web series to give LG15: Outbreak all the help you can muster on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. Let us make tomorrow a day the entire web series community came together and acted as one voice and with any luck a few of you will become hooked. 🙂 🙂 🙂



[original post and comments]

4 thoughts on “An Open Letter to the Web Series Community”

  1. You are most welcome! We are hardcore advocates of direct to web entertainment here. We do anything we can to do help keep the web as a viable source for fresh entertainment.

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