Announcing: Lil’ Guildies

from The Guild:

We were saving this announcement for tomorrow’s comic book signing at Golden Apple Comics, but this inadvertently got leaked via our YouTube Channel and then picked up by the web TV news site Yes, The Guild is moving into animation. This is one of the new projects that has been in development from Knights of Good, as has been mentioned in several interviews. Especially exciting is that the animation studio that approached The Guild intends on bringing it to Saturday mornings as a half-hour program.

We’ll post more details as soon as we are allowed to (or as soon as we make another mistake that leaks top secret project info!), but for now, you can read Jenni Powell’s exclusive write up on Tubefilter, watch the opening credits sequence on YouTube, and discuss the new development in Guild Chat or on our discussion boards.

Special thanks to the fabulous Paul and Storm (website, Twitter) who created the theme song and Greg Aronowitz (blog, Twitter) who is leading the project. Behind the scenes photo below of Greg working on the animation.


The Guild Management

Greg Aronowitz

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