Split Reason: April 2010 Newsletter

from Split Reason:

It’s been a fun month over at SPLITREASON! Between new products, partner stores, Super Street Fighter IV and Monster Hunter Tri, we’ve had our hands full! Nothing shakes the dust off your Wii mote faster than a sea monster with an appetite. Not only have we learned to slaughter an array of epic beasts, we can cook raw meat to perfection — well done! Who says video games aren’t educational? No more Kraft Dinner for us, from this day forward we feast on Epioth.

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Sarcastic Gamer Store, fresh off the presses with 5 kick-ass designs for gamers and more on the way! Get your personal pwn protection today.

No month would be complete without a new contest to keep the creative plasmids flowing. We’ve commenced our first annual Lego building contest offering up some awesome Lego prizes, free t-shirts, and store credit for each contest entry! Unleash your inner child and help us build a greater future, one block at a time.

Win Wednesday season 2.0 hit the blog a few weeks back. We’re giving away an iPOD touch for the season finale, so keep your laser sights locked on Twitter for a chance to win.

If you’re looking to save a few bucks this month, the active promo of the moment is: NERDALERT — Go get yourself 10% off! (promo expires on May 15th, 2010.)

We’d also love to send a big “Oh Hai Guys” to our friends over at Thrillist for featuring some of our products and offering a great service to serve your laziness. Cut down hours of web surfing and blog trolling by allowing Thrillist to discover the hidden gems of teh interwebs, and deliver all things awesome directly to your inbox.

Now, step into the light, and see what’s new at SplitReason.com… (Don’t forget to hook up with us on our Facebook page for future perks and promotions).

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